Document Details
Name of Department/Committee : EED 08
Document Number : EED 08 ( 22371)
Document Title [English] : Guidelines on Pyrolysis of Horticulture and Wet Waste
Document Title [Hindi] : बागवानी और गीले कचरे के पायरोलिसिस पर दिशानिर्देश
Document Type : New
Language : English
Priority : 3
ICS Code : 13.030.10
Date of Project Approval : 28-04-2023
Standards to be Superseded :

Classification Details
Group : Chemicals, Plastics and their Products including packaging and Environment
Sub Group : Environment management
Sub Sub Group : Solid Waste Management
Aspects : Code of Practice
Risk : Low
Certification : Not Certifiable
Short Commom Man's Title :
ITCHS Code :
Ministry :
  • Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Sustainable development Goals :
Degree of Equivalence : Indigenous
Identical/Equivalent Standards :
Organization Type:

Sl.No. Synosis Points
1 Waste Management is a concerning issue in a country like India with dense population. The exhausted landfills along-with dense population has snowballed the Climate Change impact and it is only fair to say that there is no room for error which negatively impacts the environment and hence bio-diversity.
2 It is vital to establish and promote circular economy to promote sustainable and green waste management. Pyrolysis technology promises to be one such technology which efficiently processes the waste and reforms it into valuable output. The Catalysis model offers the complete reformation of waste on the same day as generated without any need of segregation or drying.
3 Horticulture waste and domestic wet waste constitutes a major percentage of waste generated. The waste being voluminous and wet, requires additional energy and fuel requirements while being transported to the disposal sites. Typically, fresh horticulture waste and wet waste contain approximately 35 percent water during normal seasons and during the rainy season, the water content in this waste can go as high as 65 percent. A bulk of this water evaporates while air drying but still a significant amount of moisture is retained by the bulk of the material. This bulky waste requires space for drying and natural drying may take a few weeks to a few months.
4 There are biological methods which are used to convert waste biomass to bio-compost, bio-gas, bio-methane etc. However, on-site biological processes are not practical as such processes require vast area, sustainable microbial culture, maintenance of bio-culture which requires replacement from time to time, high operating expenses, long time period required for biological reactions to be complete and above all, proper gas cleaning equipment, wet residue disposal means. All these are cumbersome and does not add value to the resource generated from them.
5 On the other hand, Pyrolysis or thermal processing of the waste is a good solution for addressing this problem immediately as the waste is generated. Further, the climate change concerns coupled with the reduction of renewable energy sources, limiting the use of fossil fuels create a new paradigm in the handling of wet biomass and horticulture waste, as these can be a source of abundant renewable energy sources and an excellent source of Hydrogen gas, which will be driver of economies worldwide in the near future.
6 These draft standards are aimed at arriving at futuristic solutions, coupled with guidance on the equipment selection. This draft also provides a pathway towards de-centralized waste management, energy recovery at the location where the waste is generated and discourages transportation of the waste to landfills. Further, it also examines the utilization of the energy abundant resources recovered from the thermal processing of such wastes.

Timeline Details

S.No. P-Draft
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date(Gazette)
Entered By Entered On
1 28-04-2023 28-09-2023 13-12-2023 28-04-2024 Mr. Matcha Arun Kumar 28-04-2023
Stage Date of Occurence Remarks Circulated to Files
1 Generation of Document Number 28-04-2023 -------
2 P-Draft 28-04-2023 Covering letter generated -------
3 P-Draft 28-04-2023 Duration : 21 Days
Remarks : During 11th meeting of CHD 33 the Committee decided to issue the document as P draft
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4 Skipped to W-Draft 09-11-2023 Stage-Changed -------
5 WC Draft 09-11-2023 Duration : 60 Days
Submitted for HOD approval
Remarks : During 17th meeting of CHD 33 the Committee decided to circulate the document into wide circulation for a period of 60 days
6 WC Draft 09-11-2023 WC approved by HOD
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