Document Details
Name of Department/Committee : LITD 30
Document Number : LITD 30 ( 24865)
Document Title [English] : Information Technology -Artificial Intelligence- Guidance for AI Applications
Document Title [Hindi] : सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी - आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस- एआई एप्लीकेशन हेतु मार्गदर्शन
Document Type : New
Language : English
Priority : 3
ICS Code : ICS: 35.020
Date of Project Approval : 08-02-2024
Standards to be Superseded :

Classification Details
Group : Software and systems
Sub Group : Software data management
Sub Sub Group : IT Data Storage/ Information Processing
Aspects : Terminology
Risk : None
Certification : None
Short Commom Man's Title :
ITCHS Code :
Ministry :
  • Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
Sustainable development Goals :
Degree of Equivalence : Identical under single numbering
Identical/Equivalent Standards : ISO/IEC 5339:2024
Organization Type: ISO/IEC

Sl.No. Synosis Points
1 This document contains guidance for AI applications based on a common framework, to provide multiple macro-level perspectives. The framework incorporates “make”, “use” and “impact” perspectives. It also incorporates AI characteristics and non-functional characteristics such as trustworthiness and risk management. This document provides motivation and objectives; an approach to identify an AI application’s stakeholders, context, functional characteristics and non-functional characteristics; an AI application framework that can be used by standards developers, application developers and other interested parties to answer the question: “What are the characteristics and considerations of an AI application?

Timeline Details

S.No. P-Draft
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date(Gazette)
Entered By Entered On
1 14-02-2024 14-07-2024 29-09-2024 13-02-2025 SHRI KSHITIJ BATHLA 14-02-2024
Stage Date of Occurence Remarks Circulated to Files
1 Generation of Document Number 08-02-2024 -------
2 P-Draft Waived 16-02-2024 -------
3 WC Draft 16-02-2024 Duration : 60 Days
Submitted for HOD approval
Remarks : Committee in its 34th meeting held on 8th Feb 2024 decided to issue this document in Wide circulation for a period of two months
4 WC Draft 16-02-2024 WC approved by HOD
LITDC  LITD 30, LITD 30 : WG1, LITD 30 : WG2, LITD 30 : WG3, LITD 30 : WG4, LITD 30 : WG5, LITD 30 : WG6, LITD 30 : WG7, LITD 30 : WG8, LITD 30 : WG9, LITD 30 : P3, -------