Document Details
Name of Department/Committee : CHD 21
Document Number : CHD 21 ( 24871)
Document Title [English] : IRON OXIDE PIGMENTS FOR PAINTS SPECIFICATION Third revision
Document Title [Hindi] : रंग रोगन के लिए आयरन ऑक्साइड पिगमेंट - विशिष्टि (तीसरा पुनरीक्षण )
Document Type : Revision
Language : English
Priority : 3
ICS Code : ICS 87.060.10
Date of Project Approval : 14-02-2024
Standards to be Revised :
Sl.No. Is No & Year
1 IS 44: 1991
Standards to be Superseded :
Sl.No. Is No & Year
1 IS 44: 1991

Classification Details
Group : Building Materials including Paints
Sub Group : Pigments, Paints and Accessories
Sub Sub Group : Raw Material for paints and test methods
Aspects : Product Specification
Risk : Low
Certification : Voluntary Certification
Short Commom Man's Title :
ITCHS Code :
Ministry :
  • Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
  • Ministry of Environment and Forests
Sustainable development Goals :
Degree of Equivalence : Indigenous
Identical/Equivalent Standards :
Organization Type:

Sl.No. Synosis Points
1 This third revision has been undertaken to align the product standards with current market demands, enhancing its acceptance and relevance. Notable changes include:
2 a) The material classification has been restructured into groups based on colours, categories reflecting iron content (expressed as iron (III) oxide), types based on water-soluble matter content and total water-soluble chlorides and sulfates (expressed as Cl– and SO42– ions), grades reflecting residue on sieve, and classes based on the origin of the material. This adjustment replaced the existing seven grades, bringing the standards in line with current market practices.
3 b) Additionally, the requirements for each classification and their corresponding test methods have been updated. For instance, the test method for color measurement, staining power, and undertone have been revised, accompanied by updated requirements.
4 c) To address health and safety concerns, restrictions have been introduced for lead and toxic heavy metals.
5 d) Lastly, various editorial corrections and references have been updated to ensure accuracy and relevance in the revised standards

Timeline Details

S.No. P-Draft
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date(Gazette)
Entered By Entered On
1 14-02-2024 14-07-2024 29-09-2024 13-02-2025 Mr. Pushpendra Kumar 14-02-2024
Stage Date of Occurence Remarks Circulated to Files
1 Generation of Document Number 14-02-2024 -------
2 P-Draft Waived 14-02-2024 -------
3 WC Draft 14-02-2024 Duration : 60 Days
Submitted for HOD approval
Remarks : The Sectional Committee CHD 21 in its 14h meeting had decided to send the document for wide circulation for a period of 60 days Kindly approve
4 WC Draft 22-02-2024 WC approved by HOD
CHDC  CHD 20, -------