Document Details
Name of Department/Committee : LITD 27
Document Number : LITD 27 ( 24907)
Document Title [English] : Internet of Things IoT - Interoperability for IoT systems - Part 4: Syntactic interoperability
Document Title [Hindi] : इंटरनेट ऑफ थिंग्स (आईओटी) - आईओटी सिस्टम के लिए अंतरप्रचालनीयता- भाग 4: सिंटेक्टिक अंतरसंचालनीयता
Document Type : New
Language : English
Priority : 3
ICS Code : ICS: 35.020
Date of Project Approval : 19-01-2024
Standards to be Superseded :

Classification Details
Group : Information Technology products and applications
Sub Group : Internet of things
Sub Sub Group : IoT
Aspects : Code of Practice
Risk : None
Certification : Not Certifiable
Short Commom Man's Title :
ITCHS Code :
Ministry :
  • Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
Sustainable development Goals :
Degree of Equivalence : Identical under single numbering
Identical/Equivalent Standards : ISO/IEC 21823-4:2022
Organization Type: ISO/IEC

Sl.No. Synosis Points
1 The ISO/IEC 21823 series standards address issues that relate to interoperability both between different IoT systems and within a single IoT system. ISO/IEC 21823-1 [2] describes a general framework for interoperability for IoT systems. It includes a five facet model for interoperability that includes transport, syntactic, semantic, behavioural, and policy viewpoints.
2 This document first provides the principle of how to achieve syntactic interoperability based on metamodel-driven approaches. In other words, the reason why the information exchange rules based on metamodels can support syntactic interoperability among different IoT systems will be elaborated. Secondly, requirements on information models such as metamodels and models of IoT systems including IoT devices are described. Features related to IoT devices such as the identifier, device type, setup environments, and functions need to be considered to accomplish syntactic interoperability among different information models utilized in IoT systems

Timeline Details

S.No. P-Draft
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date(Gazette)
Entered By Entered On
1 16-02-2024 16-07-2024 01-10-2024 16-02-2025 Mr. Priyanshu Sharma 16-02-2024
Stage Date of Occurence Remarks Circulated to Files
1 Generation of Document Number 19-01-2024 -------
2 P-Draft Waived 22-02-2024 -------
3 WC Draft 22-02-2024 Duration : 60 Days
Submitted for HOD approval
Remarks : The committee in its 26th meeting decided to issue WC document for a period of 60 days Members are requested to provide input and comments
4 WC Draft 27-02-2024 WC approved by HOD
LITDC  LITD 27 : P1, LITD 27 : WG4, LITD 27 : WG5, LITD 27 : WG6, LITD 27 : WG7, LITD 27 : WG8, -------