Document Details
Name of Department/Committee : MED 18
Document Number : MED 18 ( 25609)
IS Number (Technical Department) : IS/ISO 16039 : 2004
Document Title [English] : Road construction and maintenance equipment - Slipform pavers - Definitions and commercial specifications Amendment - 1
Document Title [Hindi] : Road construction and maintenance equipment - Slipform pavers - Definitions and commercial specifications Amendment - 1
Document Type : Amendment
Amendment No : 1
Language : English
Priority : 3
ICS Code :
Date of Project Approval : 12-01-2024
Standards to be Superseded :
Sl.No. Is No & Year
1 IS 7245: 1974

Sl.No. Synosis Points
1 This International Standard establishes definitions, terminology and the content of commercial literature specifications for mobile, self-operating machines used for placing and finishing cement concrete, commonly called “slipform pavers”, which mould concrete in a plastic condition. It specifies the general machine configuration and the special equipment depending on the types of work to be executed. This work can be concrete roadways, road safety structures (barriers, walls, etc.), road drainage structures (edgings, gulleys, gutters, etc.) and airport paving (runways, taxiways, aprons, etc.). The document does not apply to machines with non-travelling formwork fixed to the ground and to those construction works which require only a vertical progression.

Timeline Details

S.No. P-Draft
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date(Gazette)
Entered By Entered On
1 10-05-2024 10-08-2024 10-09-2024 10-11-2024 Mr. PRASOON YADAV 10-05-2024
Stage Date of Occurence Remarks Circulated to Files
1 Generation of Document Number 12-01-2024 -------
2 P-Draft Waived 10-05-2024 Committee approved the document WC for 30 days during 27th TC Meeting of MED 18. -------
3 WC Draft 10-05-2024 Duration : 30 Days
Submitted for HOD approval
Remarks : Committee approved the document WC during 27th TC Meeting of MED 18
4 WC Draft 21-05-2024 WC approved by HOD
MEDC   -------
5 Skipped to Finalization 13-01-2025 Stage-Changed -------
6 Finalization 19-09-2024 The committee approved the draft amendment for Publication in its 29th meeting -------
7 Final Draft 13-01-2025 Submited for HOD approval

Remarks: HMED may kindly approve
8 Final Draft draft accepted by HOD and sent to Publication 14-01-2025 Final Draft approved by HOD -------
9 Accepted by Publication 17-01-2025 Final Draft accepted by Publication
Remarks: Accepted by Publication