Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of coliforms: Part 1 colony count technique (Second Revision)
Methods for detection of bacteria responsible for food poisoning: Part 1 isolation, identification and enumeration of escherichia coli (First Revision)
Methods for detection of bacteria responsible for food poisoning: Part 2 Isolation, identification and enumeration of staphylococcus aureus and faecal streptococci ( First Revision)
Microbiology of the Food Chain — Horizontal Method for Detection and Enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes and of Listeria spp. Part 1 Detection Method ( First Revision )
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of Micro - Organisms - Colony - Count technique at 30°C (Second Revision)
FAD 31
International Standards Referred In IS 10484 : 1983 Reviewed In : 2019
Standard contains no Cross Referenced International Standard.
IS 10484 : 1983 Reviewed In : 2019 is Referred in following Indian Standards :