Technical Committee/तकनीकी समिति:
MTD 09 (Ores and Feed Stock for Non-Ferrous (Excluding Aluminium and Copper) Industry, their Metals/ Alloys and Products Sectional Committee Sectional Committee)
Member Secretary/सदस्य सचिव:
Methods of chemical analysis of zinc and zinc base alloys for die castings: Part 1 determination of copper, iron, nickel, tin and thallium by spectrophotometric method (First Revision)
Methods of chemical analysis of zinc and zinc base alloys for die castings: Part 2 determination of copper, iron, lead and cadmium by atomic absorption spectrophotometric method (First Revision)
Method of chemical analysis of zinc and zinc base alloys for die casting (Part 5) : Analysis by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry First Revision
MTD 34
International Standards Referred In IS 2258 : 1981 Reviewed In : 2021
Standard contains no Cross Referenced International Standard.
IS 2258 : 1981 Reviewed In : 2021 is Referred in following Indian Standards :