Proposals for Standards

ETD Proposals
Proposal ID Subject Name of Proposer Organization Type Date of Receipt Current Stage
1 2969_202502021313_082505 Electric Shavers SABYASACHI DHAR Central Government 13-02-2025 Proposal under evaluation
2 2891_202501012121_120353 SPECIFICATION FOR NON-EXPLOSIVE SHOCK TUBE INITIATORS Murtaza Maimoon Industry/Industry Association 21-01-2025 Proposal under evaluation
3 2887_202501011515_083930 Inert gas Purifier and Oxygen gas Purifier Filter Prathap Pathi R&D/Scientific/Academia 15-01-2025 Proposal under evaluation
4 2878_202501010404_110533 Digital Coaxial Bridge SATISH Central Government 04-01-2025 Proposal under evaluation
5 2861_202412121717_050440 Heater (80K-400K) Part No.: S2400-80400 Prathap Pathi Central Government 17-12-2024 Proposal under evaluation
6 2855_202412121010_121852 DC power supply for sputtering guns Hemavathi A Central Government 10-12-2024 Proposal not accepted by committee and recommended for rejection
7 2845_202411112626_114313 Safety of Electrically Heated Blankets and Mattresses PANKAJ ATRI Central Government 26-11-2024 Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee
8 2832_202411110808_105914 Developing Reference Materials for Seebeck Measurement Bhasker Gahtori R&D/Scientific/Academia 08-11-2024 Proposal not accepted by committee and recommended for rejection
9 2829_202411110505_021024 MICC(MINERAL INSULATED COPPER CLAD CABLES) Akshay Kashyap Others 05-11-2024 Proposal under evaluation
10 2822_202410102525_055413 Helium Leak Detector Hemavathi A R&D/Scientific/Academia 25-10-2024 Proposal not accepted by committee and recommended for rejection
11 2821_202410102525_053830 Turbo Pump with scroll pump Hemavathi A R&D/Scientific/Academia 25-10-2024 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
12 2820_202410102525_052953 Lockin preamplifier Hemavathi A R&D/Scientific/Academia 25-10-2024 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
13 2819_202410102525_051723 Lockin amplifier along with GPIB-USB adapter card Hemavathi A R&D/Scientific/Academia 25-10-2024 Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee
14 2781_202409091818_041644 BATTERY REGENERATOR MACHINE Akshay Patki Industry/Industry Association 18-09-2024 Proposal under evaluation
15 2691_202407072323_123429 High Temperature Controller with Software Lalit Goswami Industry/Industry Association 23-07-2024 Proposal not accepted by committee and recommended for rejection
16 2658_202406062424_031803 High Precision Probe with Temperature Control Stage Lalit Goswami R&D/Scientific/Academia 24-06-2024 Proposal not accepted by committee and recommended for rejection
17 2578_202405050707_025500 Static meters for DC energy (Class 0.5 and 1) EMMANUEL ABHISHEK MURMU Others 07-05-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
18 2528_202404042424_045053 Luminaires for swimming pools and similar applications NEHA AGARWAL Others 24-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
19 2483_202404042222_073930 Voltage dependent Type AC and Type A RCBO NFE Industry/Industry Association 22-04-2024 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
20 1702_202404041010_025805 Cryogenics Current Comparator (CCC) Bridge electronics for the highest precision measurement of resistance ratios P K Siwach R&D/Scientific/Academia 10-04-2024 Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee
21 1569_202404040808_051208 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products Part 12: Simultaneous determination Polybrominated biphenyls polybrominated diphenyl ethers and phthalates in polymers by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Neeraj Kushwaha Others 08-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
22 1568_202404040808_051131 Determination of certain substances In electrotechnical products Part 3-4: Screening Phthalates in polymers of electrotechnical products by high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detector HPLC-UV thin layer chromatography TLC and thermal desorption mass spectrometry TD-MS Neeraj Kushwaha Others 08-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
23 1567_202404040808_051052 Test method development Guidelines for substance selection Neeraj Kushwaha Others 08-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
24 1566_202404040808_051001 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products Part 10: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs in polymers and electronics by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry GC-MS Neeraj Kushwaha Others 08-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
25 1565_202404040808_050916 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products Part 3-3: Screening Polybrominated biphenyls polybrominated diphenyl ethers and phthalates in polymers by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using a pyrolyserthermal desorption accessory PyTDGCMS Neeraj Kushwaha Others 08-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
26 1564_202404040808_050836 General method for assessing the proportion of reused components in products Neeraj Kushwaha Others 08-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
27 1547_202404040808_032540 Standard on BMS for batteries for Portable applications, EV applications Electrical Energy Storage Systems Others 08-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
28 1546_202404040808_032347 Standard for Battery Management System for Flow Batteries Electrical Energy Storage Systems Others 08-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
29 1544_202404040808_031952 Extending Battery Management standard to Li-ion batteries with different chemistries Electrical Energy Storage Systems Others 08-04-2024 Proposal not accepted by committee and recommended for rejection
30 1539_202404040808_030656 Standard for Lead-acid batteries for propulsion power of lightweight vehicles - General requirements and methods of test Secondary Cells and Batteries Others 08-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
31 1538_202404040808_030113 Standard for Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 6: Batteries for Micro-Cycle Applications Secondary Cells and Batteries Others 08-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
32 1536_202404040808_025156 Accelerated Test Method for Life Test Secondary Cells and Batteries Others 08-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
33 1534_202404040808_024842 Standards on New Battery Technologies Secondary Cells and Batteries Others 08-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
34 1533_202404040808_024616 Standard for testing, safety and performance and application of second-life batteries Secondary Cells and Batteries Others 08-04-2024 Proposal not accepted by committee and recommended for rejection
35 1460_202404040606_092403 Vulcanized Fibre for Electrical Purposes-Part 3 Individual Materials specification Section 1 Flat Sheets Solid Electrical Insulating Materials and Systems Others 06-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
36 1458_202404040606_092220 Vulcanized Fibre for Electrical Purposes-Part 2 Methods of Test Solid Electrical Insulating Materials and Systems Others 06-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
37 1456_202404040606_092101 Vulcanized Fibre for Electrical Purposes-Part 1 Definitions and General Requirements Solid Electrical Insulating Materials and Systems Others 06-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
38 1446_202404040606_124947 Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 8-82- Functional aspects -Prosumer low-voltage electrical installations ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Others 06-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
39 1445_202404040606_124537 Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 8-3 Functional aspects - Operation of prosumer electrical installations ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Others 06-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
40 1444_202404040606_124018 Use of conventional touch voltage limits - Application guide ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Others 06-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
41 1443_202404040606_123632 Surge overvoltages and surge protection in low-voltage a.c. power systems - General basic information ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Others 06-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
42 1442_202404040606_123356 Electrical installation in ships - Primary DC distribution - System design architecture ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Others 06-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
43 1441_202404040606_122703 Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 8: Requirements for components for isolated LPS NFE Industry/Industry Association 06-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
44 1440_202404040606_122514 Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 7: Requirements for earthing enhancing compounds NFE Industry/Industry Association 06-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
45 1439_202404040606_122347 Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 6: Requirements for lightning strike counters (LSCs) NFE Industry/Industry Association 06-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
46 1438_202404040606_122145 Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 5: Requirements for earth electrode inspection housings and earth electrode seals NFE Industry/Industry Association 06-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
47 1437_202404040606_121932 Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 4: Requirements for conductor fasteners NFE Industry/Industry Association 06-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
48 1436_202404040606_121752 Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 3: Requirements for isolating spark gaps (ISGs) NFE Industry/Industry Association 06-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
49 1435_202404040606_121603 Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 2: Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes NFE Industry/Industry Association 06-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
50 1434_202404040606_121257 Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 1: Requirements for connection components NFE Industry/Industry Association 06-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
51 1424_202404040505_105004 Wind Turbine Generator -Life Time Extension Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
52 1423_202404040505_104550 Wind energy generation systems - Part 50-1: Wind measurement - Application of meteorological mast, nacelle and spinner mounted instruments Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
53 1422_202404040505_104325 Wind energy generation systems - Part 21-2: Measurement and assessment of electrical characteristics - Wind power plants Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
54 1421_202404040505_103920 Wind energy generation systems - Part 12-2: Power performance of electricity producing wind turbines based on nacelle anemometry Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
55 1420_202404040505_103743 Wind energy generation systems - Part 12-1: Power performance measurements of electricity producing wind turbines Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
56 1419_202404040505_103404 Wind energy generation systems - Part 3-2: Design requirements for floating offshore wind turbines Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
57 1418_202404040505_102416 Wind energy generation systems - Part 3-1: Design requirements for fixed offshore wind turbines Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
58 1417_202404040505_102106 Wind energy generation systems - Part 6: Tower and foundation design requirements Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
59 1416_202404040505_101809 Wind energy generation systems - Part 5: Wind turbine blades Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
60 1415_202404040505_101609 Wind energy generation systems - Part 1: Design requirements Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
61 1414_202404040505_092328 Power installations exceeding 1 kV AC and 1.5 kV DC - Part 0: Principles to be observed in the design and erection of high voltage installations - Safety of high voltage installations IEEMA Industry/Industry Association 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
62 1413_202404040505_092026 Electric and magnetic field levels generated by AC power systems - Measurement procedures with regard to public exposure HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING Others 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
63 1412_202404040505_091723 Instruments and software used for measurements in high-voltage and high-current tests - Part 4: Requirements for software for tests with alternating and direct currents and voltages . HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING Others 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
64 1410_202404040505_090020 Predicting Electrical Compatibility in LVDC Systems LVDC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Others 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
65 1409_202404040505_085719 Arc Hazards and Safety in LVDC Part 1-Series arc characteristics between brass electrodes LVDC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Others 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
66 1408_202404040505_085202 Use Case Collection and Analysis: LVDC Systems for Public Electricity Distribution and distribution microgrids LVDC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Others 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
67 1406_202404040505_080532 Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 100: Electricity producing wave energy converters - Power performance assessment Ministry of Earth Sciences Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
68 1405_202404040505_080304 Marine Energy wave tidal and other water current converters Part 10 : Assessment of mooring system for marine energy converters MECS Ministry of Earth Sciences Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
69 1404_202404040505_075918 Marine energy - Wave, tidal, and other water current converters - Part 20: Design and analysis of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) plant - General guidance Ministry of Earth Sciences Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
70 1403_202404040505_075658 Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 2: Marine energy systems - Design requirements Ministry of Earth Sciences Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
71 1402_202404040505_075237 Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Vocabulary RITWIK ANAND Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
72 1388_202404040505_053244 Electrical energy storage (EES) systems - Part 3-1: Planning and performance assessment of electrical energy storage systems - General specification Electrical Energy Storage Systems Others 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
73 1384_202404040505_052948 Electrical energy storage (EES) systems - Part 2-2: Unit parameters and testing methods - Application and performance testing Electrical Energy Storage Systems Others 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
74 1381_202404040505_052414 Flow battery energy systems for stationary applications - Part 2-2: Safety requirements Secondary Cells and Batteries Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
75 1377_202404040505_051840 Flow battery energy systems for stationary applications - Part 2-1: Performance general requirements and test methods Secondary Cells and Batteries Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
76 1375_202404040505_051543 Flow battery energy systems for stationary applications - Part 1: Terminology and general aspects Secondary Cells and Batteries Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
77 1374_202404040505_050939 Secondary cells and batteries - Marking symbols for identification of their chemistry Secondary cells and batteries Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
78 1373_202404040505_050834 Standardization of dimensions of Li-ion Batteries Secondary Cells and Batteries Others 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
79 1371_202404040505_050641 Standard on Chemistry agnostic batteries Secondary Cells and Batteries Others 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
80 1366_202404040505_044558 Power Quality Management - General Guidelines EMMANUEL ABHISHEK MURMU Others 05-04-2024 Proposal not accepted by committee and recommended for rejection
81 1365_202404040505_043927 Assessment of Power Quality - Characteristics of Electricity supplied by Public Networks EMMANUEL ABHISHEK MURMU Others 05-04-2024 Proposal not accepted by committee and recommended for rejection
82 1362_202404040505_042647 Guidelines for the Design of Interconnected Power Systems EMMANUEL ABHISHEK MURMU Others 05-04-2024 Proposal not accepted by committee and recommended for rejection
83 1338_202404040505_034837 Onsite Diagnostic testing of Power Transformers for Condition-Health Assessment Transformers Sectional Committee Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
84 1327_202404040505_032302 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement control and laboratory use -Particular requirements for electrically operated valve actuators Industrial process measurement and control SC Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
85 1312_202404040505_023803 Lifts for the transport of persons and goods : Part 20 Dumbwaiters - Specifications and safety rules for planning installation operation and maintenance Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
86 1306_202404040505_023206 LIFTS FOR THE TRANSPORT OF PERSONS AND GOODS PART 7 LIFTS FOR SPECIAL APPLICATIONS SECTION 4 REQUIREMENTS OF LIFTS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
87 1303_202404040505_022730 LIFTS FOR THE TRANSPORT OF PERSONS AND GOODS PART 5 ELECTRIC TRACTION HYDRAULIC: INSPECTION MANUAL Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
88 1288_202404040505_125833 LIFTS FOR THE TRANSPORT OF PERSONS AND GOODS PART 3: SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND SELECTION : Section 2: Goods Automobile Lift Lifts, Escalators and Moving Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
89 1286_202404040505_125222 LIFTS FOR THE TRANSPORT OF PERSONS AND GOODS: PART 7: LIFTS FOR SPECIAL APPLICATIONS: SECTION 2: RACK AND PINION LIFTS USED IN UNDER-CONSTRUCTION BUILDINGS Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
90 1281_202404040505_124445 Lifts for the transport of persons and goods : Part 7 Lifts for special applications Section 1 Lifts used in Under-Construction Buildings Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
91 1272_202404040505_122411 Requirements for Fuse-Links for The Protection of Batteries and Battery Systems Fuses Sectional Committee Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
92 1269_202404040505_122124 LIFTS FOR TRANSPORT OF PERSONS AND GOODS IS 17900 PART 7 SECTION 6 OCCUPANT EVACUATION LIFTS SPECIFICATION Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
93 1268_202404040505_122113 User guide for miniature fuses Fuses Sectional Committee Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
94 1267_202404040505_121905 ISO 8102-20:2022 Electrical Requirements for Lifts Escalators And Moving Walks Part 20: Cyber Security Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
95 1265_202404040505_121708 Sub-miniature fuse-links Fuses Sectional Committee Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
96 1264_202404040505_121444 Lifts for the Transport of Persons and Goods Part 4 Specifications for Control Devices Buttons Signals Indicators and Other Fittings Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks Others 05-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
97 1262_202404040505_121331 Miniature fuse-links for special applications Fuses Sectional Committee Central Government 05-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
98 1255_202404040505_115850 Requirements for Low Voltage fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses mainly for household or similar applications) Fuses Sectional Committee Central Government 05-04-2024 Standard already exists and recommended for rejection
99 1139_202404040404_043741 UHV AC Transmission Systems - UHV AC Transmission Line Design UHV Transmission System Others 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
100 1134_202404040404_042356 UHV AC Transmission Systems - Guideline for the Measurement of UHV AC Transmission Line Power Frequency Parameters UHV Transmission System Others 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
101 1133_202404040404_042029 UHV AC Transmission Systems - Commissioning UHV Transmission System Others 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
102 1131_202404040404_041613 Sockets for EV Charging Wiring accessories sectional Committee Industry/Industry Association 04-04-2024 Proposal not accepted by committee and recommended for rejection
103 1130_202404040404_041554 UHV AC Transmission Systems - General System Design UHV Transmission System Others 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
104 1128_202404040404_041208 Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Particular requirements for socket-outlets for furniture Wiring accessories sectional Committee Central Government 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
105 1127_202404040404_040351 PLUGS AND SOCKET-OUTLETS FOR SELV Wiring accessories sectional Committee Central Government 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
106 1126_202404040404_040028 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CORD EXTENSION SETS Wiring accessories sectional Committee Central Government 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
107 1124_202404040404_035501 Socket-Outlets Incorporating USB Power Supply- Specifications Wiring accessories sectional Committee Central Government 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
108 1123_202404040404_035047 Time-Delay Switches tds for Household and Similar Fixed Electrical Installations Wiring accessories sectional Committee Central Government 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
109 1106_202404040404_031407 Code of Practice for on-site Diagnostic Tests and Condition Monitoring of High Voltage Substation Equipment High Voltage Switchgear And Controlgear Others 04-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
110 1103_202404040404_030659 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Ancillary equipment - Protective conductor terminal blocks for copper conductors Low Voltage Switchgear And Controlgear Others 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
111 1102_202404040404_030437 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Ancillary equipment - Terminal blocks for copper conductors Low Voltage Switchgear And Controlgear Others 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
112 1099_202404040404_024838 Gas Insulated Substation Ministry of Power Others 04-04-2024 Standard already exists and recommended for rejection
113 1095_202404040404_024529 Type F and Type B residual current operated circuit-breakers with and without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses Discipline wise workshop of ETD Others 04-04-2024 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
114 1094_202404040404_024153 Applicability of the general rules to RCBOs functionally independent of line voltage Low Voltage Switchgear And Controlgear Others 04-04-2024 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
115 1091_202404040404_023407 DC Switchgear Ashok Kumar Others 04-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
116 1090_202404040404_022802 Electrical relays - Tests and Measurements - Part 5: Insulation resistance TUSHAR SHARMA Central Government 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
117 1089_202404040404_022701 Electrical relays - Tests and Measurements Part 4: Dielectric strength test TUSHAR SHARMA Central Government 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
118 1088_202404040404_022034 Safety of machinery-Electro-sensitive protective equipment - Particular requirements for radar-based protective devices Safety of Machinery- Electrotechnical Aspects Central Government 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
119 1087_202404040404_021847 Electrical relays - Tests and Measurements - Part 2: Mechanical tests and weighing TUSHAR SHARMA Central Government 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
120 1086_202404040404_021804 Electrical relays Tests and Measurements - Part 1: Visual inspection and check of dimensions TUSHAR SHARMA Central Government 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
121 1082_202404040404_021228 SAFETY OF MACHINERY-SAFETY-RELATED SENSORS USED FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONS-Sensor technologies and algorithms Safety of Machinery- Electrotechnical Aspects Central Government 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
122 1081_202404040404_010028 Safety of machinery-Guidelines on functional safety of safety-related control systems Safety of Machinery- Electrotechnical Aspects Central Government 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
123 1080_202404040404_124831 Safety of machinery - Examples of application Safety of Machinery electrotechnical Aspects SC Others 04-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
124 931_202404040303_102029 Management of network assets in power systems - Management aspect Ashok Kumar Others 03-04-2024 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
125 842_202404040202_040624 Intelligent & Connected LED Lighting NEHA AGARWAL Central Government 02-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
126 827_202404040202_035547 Grid code compliance assessment methods for grid connection of wind and PV power plants NEHA AGARWAL Central Government 02-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
127 821_202404040202_035249 Renewable energy power forecasting technology NEHA AGARWAL Central Government 02-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
128 813_202404040202_034549 Grid integration of renewable energy generation - Terms and definitions NEHA AGARWAL Central Government 02-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
129 809_202404040202_033531 Guide for Conducting Distribution Impact Studies for Distributed Resource Interconnection NEHA AGARWAL Central Government 02-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
130 808_202404040202_033416 Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems NEHA AGARWAL Central Government 02-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
131 806_202404040202_033246 Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces NEHA AGARWAL Central Government 02-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
132 800_202404040202_032318 recycling of PV module MOHAMMAD ISRAFIL Others 02-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
133 798_202404040202_032104 Sensing devices for load monitoring systems MOHAMMAD ISRAFIL Others 02-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
134 796_202404040202_031933 ABC for 3.3-33 KV MOHAMMAD ISRAFIL Others 02-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
135 793_202404040202_031812 flat PVC cable for lifts MOHAMMAD ISRAFIL Others 02-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
136 789_202404040202_031528 Transformer Bushing Dimensional Standardization MOHAMMAD ISRAFIL Central Government 02-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
137 780_202404040202_025258 Hand protective devices against the thermal hazards of an electric arc NEHA AGARWAL Central Government 02-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
138 778_202404040202_025047 Insulating footwear and overboots for electrical protection NEHA AGARWAL Central Government 02-04-2024 Proposal not accepted by committee and recommended for rejection
139 775_202404040202_024559 floating solar plants MOHAMMAD ISRAFIL Central Government 02-04-2024 New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance
140 756_202404040202_121733 Lighting systems Characteristics for selected outdoor applications NEHA AGARWAL Central Government 02-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
141 739_202404040101_035645 performance and constructional requirements for 800KV Bushings MOHAMMAD ISRAFIL Others 01-04-2024 Proposal under evaluation
142 679_202402020606_051748 Specification for Rubidium Frequency Standard for the use of Time and Frequency Metrology of India Preeti Kandpal R&D/Scientific/Academia 06-02-2024 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
143 662_202401012323_103240 Three-phase motors are one example of a type of induction motor, also known as an asynchronous motor, that operates using the principals of electromagnetic induction. Shamika R Mahadik Individual 23-01-2024 Standard exists corresponding to the proposal
144 652_202401010101_042324 Quantum Standard of AC voltage (Josephson Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizer (JAWS) system) Sandhya Malikar Patel Central Government 01-01-2024 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
145 623_202312120808_054326 Cryofree magnet for AC QHR standard Hemavathi A Central Government 08-12-2023 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
146 614_202312120404_053936 Data Acquisition Card SATISH Central Government 04-12-2023 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
147 612_202312120404_112635 High frequency ac resistance SATISH Central Government 04-12-2023 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
148 610_202312120101_111619 LCR Meter SATISH Central Government 01-12-2023 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
149 609_202311112929_103652 Ultra Precision Capacitance Bridge Ms. Priyanka Jain R&D/Scientific/Academia 29-11-2023 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
150 605_202311112323_124106 High precision Digital Multimeter used for traceability dissemination of electrical parameters Hemavathi A R&D/Scientific/Academia 23-11-2023 Standard already exists and recommended for rejection
151 588_202310103030_031048 Metal air flow batteries Chakr Innovation Industry/Industry Association 30-10-2023 Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee
152 570_202309093030_044807 Outdoor Type Oil Immersed Distribution Transformers Upto and Including 2 500 kVA, 33kV - Specification Part 1 Mineral Oil Immersed (Fourth Revision) Anupam Sharma Industry/Industry Association 30-09-2023 Standard already exists and recommended for rejection
153 555_202309092020_045144 Air Driven Elevator BALA SRINIVASAN C Others 20-09-2023 Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee
154 552_202309091515_015851 Specification for Multi Product Calibrator for use in calibration of medical electrical equipment, their analyzers and simulators Sudesh Yadav R&D/Scientific/Academia 15-09-2023 Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection
155 547_202309090909_090837 Internal Building Electrical Wiring Diagram Common from Kerala to Kashmir Narayanan Surendran Individual 09-09-2023 Standard exists corresponding to the proposal
156 540_202308083030_011331 AIR DRIVEN ELEVATORS BALA SRINIVASAN C Others 30-08-2023 Proposal under evaluation
157 459_202303033131_124530 Draft Indian Standard for Search Light NARENDER REDDY BEESU Central Government 31-03-2023 Standard already exists and recommended for rejection
158 408_202212122727_042053 BIS standards for Smart Switch for Home Automation WHITELION SYSTEMS PVT LTD Industry/Industry Association 27-12-2022 Standard exists corresponding to the proposal
159 342_202207070707_020703 Imported bettry panasonic HHR210 AA BETTERY Reddy usha rani Individual 07-07-2022 Proposal under evaluation
160 333_202203032727_101707 LEAD ACID BATTERY SK YOISEN RAHAMAN Individual 27-03-2022 Proposal under evaluation
161 303_202109091717_125450 Power distribution in buildings protected by multilevel over load and ground fault integrating on each circuit and wire of protected distribution board (PDB). Narayanan Surendran Individual 17-09-2021 Proposal under evaluation
162 291_202108080505_062915 Indian thermocouple wire code Sathishkumar R&D/Scientific/Academia 05-08-2021 Standard exists corresponding to the proposal
163 226_202101012121_044533 Standards for Design, Manufacture, Assembly of Micro Back Pressure Steam Turbines in Processing Industries santosh sv Individual 21-01-2021 Proposal under evaluation
164 199_202011112828_110746 Standard Test Method for Electrical Performance of Photovoltaic Cells Using Reference Cells Under Simulated Sunlight Sathishkumar Individual 28-11-2020 Proposal under evaluation
165 186_202009092525_060135 New Battery Material Copper- Magnisium - Battery standard for CuMag battery shailendra Others 25-09-2020 Proposal under evaluation
166 155_202007070202_050101 Standardization of online accessories fitted on Transformer and reactors Shri C Jayasenan Others 02-07-2020 Proposal accepted