LITD Proposals
S. No. |
Proposal ID | Subject | Name of Proposer | Organization Type | Date of Receipt | Current Stage | |
1 | 2901_202501013131_053931 | Standard for safe drone operations in event management | Vallidevi Krishnamurthy | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 31-01-2025 | New Proposal submitted | |
2 | 2867_202412122323_015134 | DIGITAL TELEVISION RECEIVER FOR SATELLITE BROADCAST TRANSMISSION (First Revision) | KSHITIJ BATHLA | Others | 23-12-2024 | New Standard may be made and recommended for acceptance | |
3 | 2866_202412122323_121647 | Software and Systems Engineering DevOps - Principles and Practices | ASHISH TIWARI | Industry/Industry Association | 23-12-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
4 | 2851_202412120202_051056 | Information Technology IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES BPO) lifecycle Processes Part 5 Guidance (First Revision) | ASHISH TIWARI | Industry/Industry Association | 02-12-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
5 | 2850_202412120202_050405 | Information Technology IT Enabled ServicesBusiness Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle Processes Part 3 Measurement Framework (MF) and Organization Maturity Model (OMM) (First Revision) | ASHISH TIWARI | Individual | 02-12-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
6 | 2849_202412120202_045732 | Information technology IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing ITES BPO lifecycle processes Part 2 Process Assessment Model PAM First Revision | ASHISH TIWARI | Individual | 02-12-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
7 | 2848_202412120202_043121 | Information Technology IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) Lifecycle Processes Part 1 Process Reference Model (PRM) (First Revision) | ASHISH TIWARI | Industry/Industry Association | 02-12-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
8 | 2842_202411112121_104118 | Lock-in amplifiers and Lock-in pre amplifiers | Hemavathi A | Central Government | 21-11-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
9 | 2830_202411110505_030149 | Electron Beam Lithography System | Sunil Singh Kushvaha | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 05-11-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
10 | 2790_202410100606_050601 | Up-gradation of Acoustic Free Field Calibration and Testing Facility in frequency range of 125 Hz to 20 kHz | Dr. Naveen Garg | Central Government | 06-10-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
11 | 2766_202409090505_121808 | High speed camera | Suriyanarayanan | Central Government | 05-09-2024 | New Proposal submitted | |
12 | 2739_202408082929_030901 | Specifications for application of Real-Time Digital Simulation in Power Systems | Dr. Avni Khatkar | Central Government | 29-08-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
13 | 2737_202408082323_101548 | Software and Systems Engineering DevOps Principles and Practices | ASHISH TIWARI | Industry/Industry Association | 23-08-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
14 | 2736_202408082323_095934 | Metadata Standard for Geospatial Information | ASHISH TIWARI | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 23-08-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
15 | 2713_202408080808_080811 | Repository of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) - Use Cases: A Comprehensive Analysis and Future Directions | RAVI KISHORE VELURI | Individual | 08-08-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
16 | 2711_202408080808_113010 | Maskless laser writer for lithography | Ajeet Kumar | Central Government | 08-08-2024 | New Proposal submitted | |
17 | 2700_202408080101_085909 | Precise DC magnetron power supply of 600 W capacity | Preetam Singh | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 01-08-2024 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
18 | 2692_202407072424_101437 | The Evolution of Braille with Smart Technology using Innovative Solutions for the Visually Impaired | RAVI KISHORE VELURI | Individual | 24-07-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
19 | 2690_202407072222_072501 | Hardware switch with LED indicator for camera, microphone and screen in all devices | Sagar Acharya | Individual | 22-07-2024 | New Proposal submitted | |
20 | 2687_202407072121_115838 | Whitelist of electromagnetic wave frequency and limits to intensity | Sagar Acharya | Individual | 21-07-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
21 | 2683_202407071818_035725 | SI traceable National Measurement for 6G and Terahertz communication | Dr. Satyakesh Dubey | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 18-07-2024 | New Proposal submitted | |
22 | 2674_202407071010_115023 | Building A Smarter Security Ecosystem: Integrating Ocr And Iot For Real-Time Threat Detection | RAVI KISHORE VELURI | Individual | 10-07-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
23 | 2673_202407071010_102954 | Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump | Lalit Goswami | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-07-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
24 | 2663_202406062727_023829 | 355 nm pulsed laser source | Radhakrishnan S R | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 27-06-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
25 | 2662_202406062525_092835 | Revision of IS 13394 Design and development of information for users | ASHISH TIWARI | Individual | 25-06-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
26 | 2661_202406062525_091709 | ITeS BPO Part 4 Key Concepts | ASHISH TIWARI | Individual | 25-06-2024 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
27 | 2660_202406062525_084934 | Geographic information Land Administration Domain Model Part 1 Generic conceptual model | ASHISH TIWARI | Industry/Industry Association | 25-06-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
28 | 2659_202406062525_045900 | Geographic Information Conceptual Schema Language | ASHISH TIWARI | Others | 25-06-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
29 | 2649_202406061212_041347 | Geospatial Information - Functional Areas (Administrative Boundaries) | ASHISH TIWARI | Central Government | 12-06-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
30 | 2634_202405051616_091834 | Specifications for microphone calibration and testing facility using insert voltage method in range 20 Hz to 20 kHz | Chitra Gautam | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 16-05-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
31 | 2569_202405050202_040522 | Dual Frequency Comb Based THz Comb | Mukesh Jewariya | Central Government | 02-05-2024 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
32 | 2568_202405050202_025558 | Nuclear power plants Instrumentation control and electrical power systems important to safety Categorization of functions and classification of systems | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 02-05-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
33 | 2557_202404042929_022216 | Information technology for learning education and training Reference framework of e Portfolio information | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 29-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
34 | 2526_202404042424_021547 | Information technology Computer graphics image processing and environmental data representation Benchmarking of vision based spatial registration and tracking methods for mixed and augmented reality MAR | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 24-04-2024 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
35 | 2525_202404042424_021159 | Information technology Computer graphics image processing and environmental data representation Live actor and entity representation in mixed and augmented reality MAR | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 24-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
36 | 2524_202404042424_020722 | Information technology Computer graphics image processing and environmental data representation Mixed and augmented reality MAR reference model | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 24-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
37 | 2523_202404042424_020316 | Information technology Computer graphics image processing and environmental representation Sensor representation in mixed and augmented reality | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 24-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
38 | 2521_202404042424_103627 | Information technology Computer graphics image processing and environment data representation Object environmental representation for image based rendering in virtual mixed and augmented reality VR MAR | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 24-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
39 | 2519_202404042424_103056 | Information technology Computer graphics image processing and environmental data representation Style representation for mixed and augmented reality | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 24-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
40 | 2517_202404042424_102007 | Information technology Computer graphics image processing and environmental data representation Guidelines for representation and visualization of smart cities | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 24-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
41 | 2515_202404042424_100516 | Information technology Computer graphics image processing and environmental data representation Information model for mixed and augmented reality content Core objects and attributes | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 24-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
42 | 2507_202404042323_110601 | Information Technology Cross-Jurisdictional and Societal Aspects of Implementation of Biometric Technologies Pictograms Icons and Symbols for use With Biometric Systems Part 9: Vascular Applications | ANKITA SRIVASTAVA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 23-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
43 | 2506_202404042323_110138 | Information Technology Biometric Performance Testing and Reporting Part 1: Principles and Framework | ANKITA SRIVASTAVA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 23-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
44 | 2505_202404042323_105930 | Information Technology Cross-Jurisdictional and Societal Aspects of Implementation of Biometric Technologies Pictograms Icons and Symbols for use With Biometric Systems Part 4: Fingerprint Applications | ANKITA SRIVASTAVA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 23-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
45 | 2504_202404042323_105708 | Information Technology Vocabulary Part 37: Biometrics | ANKITA SRIVASTAVA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 23-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
46 | 2503_202404042323_105131 | Information Technology Cross-Jurisdictional and Societal Aspects of Implementation of Biometric Technologies Pictograms Icons and Symbols for use With Biometric Systems Part 1: General Principles | ANKITA SRIVASTAVA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 23-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
47 | 2454_202404041616_032445 | Information technology Automatic identification and data capture techniques Rectangular Micro QR Code (rMQR) bar code symbology specification | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 16-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
48 | 2452_202404041616_031116 | Cards and security devices for personal identification - Test methods - Part 6: Contactless proximity oBipinects (First Revision) | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 16-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
49 | 2451_202404041616_030121 | Identification cards - Integrated circuit cards: Part 12 cards with contacts - USB electrical interface and operating procedures Amendment - 1 | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 16-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
50 | 2450_202404041616_025850 | Identification Cards - Integrated Circuit Cards Part 6: Interindustry Data Elements for Interchange Third Revision | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 16-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
51 | 2449_202404041616_025708 | Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit cards Proximity cards Multiple PICCs in a single PCD field | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 16-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
52 | 2412_202404041515_025207 | Information technology Business operational view Part 8: Identification of privacy protection requirements as external constraints on business transactions | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
53 | 2411_202404041515_024842 | Guide for pascal program coding | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
54 | 2410_202404041515_024238 | Programming languages - PL-1 | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
55 | 2409_202404041515_024026 | Information technology programming languages - Pascal (First Revision) | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
56 | 2408_202404041515_021956 | Information technology - Programming languages - Ada (First Revision) | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
57 | 2370_202404041515_105621 | Guide for C - Programme coding | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
58 | 2369_202404041515_104651 | Programming Languages C++ | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
59 | 2368_202404041515_104536 | Information technology - Programming languages- Ada (First Revision) | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
60 | 2367_202404041515_104357 | Information Technology - Metadata Registries ( MDR ) Part 6 Registration | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
61 | 2366_202404041515_104151 | Information Technology Metadata Registries ( MDR ) Part 1 Framework | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
62 | 2364_202404041515_103904 | Information Technology Database Language SQL Part 1 Framework ( SQL-Framework) | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
63 | 2361_202404041515_102720 | Information Technology Codes for the Representation of Human Sexes | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
64 | 2355_202404041515_101234 | Information technology Programming languages their environments and system software interfaces Programming language COBOL | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
65 | 2351_202404041515_100949 | Information technology - Guidelines for the organization and representation of data elements for data interchange Coding methods and principles | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
66 | 2348_202404041515_100655 | Information Technology - Programming Languages - Fortran Part 1 Base Language (First Revision) | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
67 | 2346_202404041515_100518 | Information Technology - Metadata Registries MDR Part 3 Registry Metamodel and Basic Attributes | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
68 | 2344_202404041515_100113 | Information Technology Database Languages SQL Part 14 XML Related Specifications (SQL-XML) | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
69 | 2341_202404041515_095913 | Information Technology Database Languages SQL Part 13 SQL Routines and Types Using the JavaTM Programming Language (SQL JRT) | JYOTI KUSHWAHA | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 15-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
70 | 2313_202404041212_030547 | Optical Fibre Cables Part 2 Indoor Optical Fibre Cables Section 10 Family specification for simplex and duplex cables (First Revision) | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
71 | 2311_202404041212_030419 | Optical Fibre Cables Part 1 Generic Specification Section 2 Basic optical cable test procedures - General guidance | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
72 | 2310_202404041212_030122 | Metallic communication cable test methods Part 4-5: Electromagnetic compatibility EMC Screening or coupling attenuation Absorbing clamp method First Revision | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
73 | 2308_202404041212_025817 | Hybrid communication cables Part 3: Outdoor hybrid cables Sectional specification | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
74 | 2306_202404041212_025634 | Hybrid communication cables Part 3-10: Outdoor hybrid cables Family specification for FTTA hybrid communication cables | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
75 | 2304_202404041212_025410 | Hybrid telecommunication cables Part 1: Generic specification | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
76 | 2303_202404041212_024549 | Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment Part 2: Sectional specification: Low-power film resistors with leads for through-hole assembly on circuit boards THT | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
77 | 2302_202404041212_024323 | Environmental Testing Part 2: Tests Section 21: Test U: Robustness of Terminations and Integral Mounting Devices | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
78 | 2297_202404041212_023343 | Determination of RF field strength power density and SAR in the vicinity of base stations for the purpose of evaluating human exposure | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
79 | 2294_202404041212_023150 | Unified Digital Infrastructure Unified Last Mile Communication Protocols Stack Part 5 Network Access Layer IEEE 802 15 4 Section 1 Specification Amendment - 1 | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
80 | 2292_202404041212_023124 | Unified Data Exchange Part 3 API Test Suites Sec 1 Resource Access Service | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
81 | 2291_202404041212_023053 | Smart Cities - GIS Part 2 Self-Assessment of GIS Reference Architecture | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
82 | 2290_202404041212_023017 | Municipal Governance : Municipal Grievance Redressal : Taxonomy | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
83 | 2289_202404041212_022937 | Municipal Governance : Fire No Objection Certificate NoC : Taxonomy | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
84 | 2286_202404041212_022846 | Municipal Governance Trade License : Taxonomy | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
85 | 2285_202404041212_022809 | Municipal Governance : Water and Sewerage Section 1: Taxonomy | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
86 | 2284_202404041212_022750 | Assessment of Power Density of Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Fields from Wireless Devices in Close Proximity to the Head and Body Frequency Range of 6 Ghz to 300 Ghz Part 2: Computational Procedure | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
87 | 2283_202404041212_022710 | Municipal Governance : Building Plan Approval Section 1: Taxonomy | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
88 | 2282_202404041212_022610 | Smart Cities - GIS Part 2 Self-Assessment of GIS Reference Architecture | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
89 | 2280_202404041212_022523 | Unified Data Exchange Part 4 Compliance Specifications Section 1 Catalogue Service | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
90 | 2271_202404041212_021355 | X-RAY Baggage Inspection System- XBIS | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
91 | 2269_202404041212_021322 | Road Blocker | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
92 | 2268_202404041212_021246 | Active Bollard | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Incomplete Proposal and recommended for rejection | |
93 | 2267_202404041212_021215 | Face recognition feature in CCTV | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
94 | 2265_202404041212_021103 | Tokenization of NE languages | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
95 | 2264_202404041212_021032 | PoS tagsetting of NE languages | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
96 | 2263_202404041212_020959 | Indian Language Technologies Transliteration of Indic Scripts into Latin Characters | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
97 | 2261_202404041212_020911 | Devanagari Script Behaviour for Hindi | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
98 | 2213_202404041212_010612 | Generic cabling for customer premises Part 9910: Specifications for modular plug terminated link cabling | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
99 | 2212_202404041212_010543 | Generic cabling systems for customer premises Part 9909: Evaluation of balanced cabling in support of 25 Gbit per s for reach greater than 30 metres | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
100 | 2209_202404041212_010456 | Generic cabling systems for customer premises Part 9908: Guidance for the support of higher speed applications over optical fibre channels | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
101 | 2208_202404041212_010426 | Generic cabling systems for customer premises Part 9907: Specifications for direct attach cabling | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
102 | 2207_202404041212_010325 | Generic cabling for customer premises Part 9906: Balanced 1-pair cabling channels up to 600 MHz for single pair Ethernet (SPE) | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
103 | 2205_202404041212_010226 | Generic Cabling requirements for distributed building services | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
104 | 2204_202404041212_010156 | Generic Cabling requirements for single tenant home | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
105 | 2201_202404041212_010115 | Information technology Generic cabling for customer premises Part 5 Data centres | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
106 | 2200_202404041212_010027 | Information technology Generic cabling for customer premises Part 3 Industrial premises | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
107 | 2191_202404041212_125241 | Measurement of the electrical properties of microwave tubes Part 7: Gas-filled microwave switching devices First Revision | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
108 | 2189_202404041212_125209 | Measurement of the electrical properties Of microwave tubes Part 4: Magnetrons First Revision | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
109 | 2184_202404041212_124947 | Measurement of the electrical properties of microwave tubes Part 9: Crossed-field amplifier tubes First Revision | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
110 | 2182_202404041212_124904 | Measurement of the electrical properties of microwave tubes Part 6: High-power klystrons First Revision | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
111 | 2181_202404041212_124821 | Measurement of the electrical properties of microwave tubes Part 2: General measurements | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
112 | 2180_202404041212_124727 | Measurement of the electrical properties of microwave tubes Part 8: oscillator tubes Backward-wave0 type First Revision | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
113 | 2166_202404041212_123822 | Vehicles Boats and Internal Combustion Engines - Radio Disturbance Characteristics Limits and Methods of Measurement for the Protection of On-Board Receivers | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
114 | 2153_202404041212_123257 | Assessment of Power Density of Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Fields from Wireless Devices in Close Proximity to the Head and Body Frequency Range of 6 Ghz to 300 Ghz Part 1: Measurement Procedure | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
115 | 2140_202404041212_122851 | Measurement procedure for the assessment of specific absorption rate of human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-worn wireless communication devices - Human models instrumentation and procedures Frequency range of 4 MHz to 10 GHz | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
116 | 2124_202404041212_122039 | Measurement of the electrical properties of microwave tubes Part 5: Low-power oscillator klystrons First Revision | DEVANSH DEOLEKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
117 | 2082_202404041212_113824 | Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Part 5: Installation and Mitigation Guidelines Section 1: General Considerations | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
118 | 2069_202404041212_112910 | Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Part 4: Testing and Measurement Techniques Section 6: Immunity to Conducted Disturbances Induced by Radio-Frequency Fields | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
119 | 2056_202404041212_112517 | Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Part 5: Installation and Mitigation Guidelines Section 2: Earthing and Cabling | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
120 | 2034_202404041212_111921 | Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Part 1: General Section 1: Application and Interpretation of Fundamental Definitions and Terms First Revision | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
121 | 2014_202404041212_111051 | Mathematical expressions for reliability availability maintainability and maintenance support terms | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
122 | 2005_202404041212_110439 | Equipment Reliability Reliability assessment methods | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
123 | 2000_202404041212_110116 | Spare Parts Provisioning | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
124 | 1993_202404041212_105721 | Electric components Reliability Reference conditions for failure rates and stress models for conversion | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
125 | 1986_202404041212_105416 | Requirements for e-textbooks in education | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
126 | 1981_202404041212_105119 | Weibull analysis | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
127 | 1978_202404041212_104938 | Information technology for learning education and training - Learning analytics interoperability-Part 4 Privacy and data protection policies | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
128 | 1973_202404041212_104523 | Obsolescence management | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
129 | 1969_202404041212_104103 | IoT enabled e-Learning for School Education | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
130 | 1968_202404041212_103936 | Root cause analysis RCA | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
131 | 1963_202404041212_103532 | Connectors for electronic equipment Part 3 Tests and measurements Section 1: Insulation tests Test 3a: Insulation resistance | LITD | Others | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
132 | 1961_202404041212_103413 | Connectors for electronic equipment Part 2 Tests and measurements Section 6: Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests Test 2f: Housing shell electrical continuity | LITD | Others | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
133 | 1958_202404041212_103301 | Connectors for electronic equipment Part 2 Tests and measurements Section -5: Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests Test 2e: Contact disturbance | LITD | Others | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
134 | 1956_202404041212_103149 | Connectors for electronic equipment Part 2 Tests and measurements Section 3: Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests Test 2c: Contact resistance variation | LITD | Others | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
135 | 1952_202404041212_103040 | Revision of IS 22739 | ASHISH TIWARI | Individual | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
136 | 1951_202404041212_103027 | Connectors for electronic equipment Part 2 Tests and measurements Section 2: Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests Test 2b: Contact resistance Specified test current method | LITD | Others | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
137 | 1948_202404041212_102916 | Connectors for electronic equipment Part 2 Tests and measurements Section 1: Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests Test 2a: Contact resistance Millivolt level method | LITD | Others | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
138 | 1946_202404041212_102823 | Reliability growth Stress testing for early failures in unique complex systems | BIPIN JAMBHOLKAR | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
139 | 1943_202404041212_102759 | Connectors for electronic equipment Part - 4 Tests and measurements Section - 3: Voltage stress tests - Test 4c: Voltage proof of pre-insulated crimp barrels | LITD | Others | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
140 | 1942_202404041212_102738 | Overview of trust anchors for DLT-based identity management | ASHISH TIWARI | Individual | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
141 | 1939_202404041212_102644 | Connectors for electronic equipment Part -4 Tests and measurements Section - 2: Voltage stress tests - Test 4b: Partial discharge | LITD | Others | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
142 | 1931_202404041212_102506 | Connectors for electronic equipment - Part - 4 Tests and measurements - Section - 1: Voltage stress tests - Test 4a: Voltage proof | LITD | Others | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
143 | 1930_202404041212_102505 | Data flow models for blockchain and DLT use cases | ASHISH TIWARI | Individual | 12-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
144 | 1743_202404041010_060835 | Internet of Things IoT Underwater network management system U NMS interworking | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
145 | 1742_202404041010_055740 | API Implementation of Digital Data Highway (API Setu) | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
146 | 1741_202404041010_055650 | InDEA (India Enterprise Architecture) 2nd version | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
147 | 1740_202404041010_055546 | Requirements and implementation of Digital voting & M-voting | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
148 | 1739_202404041010_055316 | IoT for Stress Management Good Health and Well being | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
149 | 1738_202404041010_054851 | Internet of Things IoT Compatibility requirements and model for devices within industrial IoT systems | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
150 | 1737_202404041010_053827 | Geographic information Reference model Part 1: Fundamentals | ASHISH TIWARI | Central Government | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
151 | 1736_202404041010_053658 | Addressing Part 4 : International postal address components and template language | ASHISH TIWARI | Central Government | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
152 | 1735_202404041010_053430 | Geographic information Conformance and testing | ASHISH TIWARI | Central Government | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
153 | 1734_202404041010_053209 | Geographic information Geography Markup Language GML Part 1: Fundamentals | ASHISH TIWARI | Central Government | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
154 | 1733_202404041010_052639 | Addressing Part 3 : Address data quality | ASHISH TIWARI | Central Government | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
155 | 1732_202404041010_052302 | Addressing Part 1: Conceptual model | ASHISH TIWARI | Central Government | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
156 | 1731_202404041010_051909 | Geographic information Reference model Part 2 : Imagery | ASHISH TIWARI | Central Government | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
157 | 1730_202404041010_051548 | Navic Receiver | ASHISH TIWARI | Central Government | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
158 | 1729_202404041010_051353 | DataContent Standard for Geospatial Information - Part 3 Geology | ASHISH TIWARI | Central Government | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
159 | 1728_202404041010_051207 | DataContent Standard for Geospatial Information - Part 2 Forestry | ASHISH TIWARI | Central Government | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
160 | 1727_202404041010_050649 | Airborne LiDAR data acquisition Part 1 Requirements | ASHISH TIWARI | Central Government | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
161 | 1723_202404041010_035104 | Information technology Coding of audio-visual objects Part 3: Audio First Revision | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
162 | 1717_202404041010_033010 | Internet of things (IoT) - Real-time IoT framework | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
163 | 1715_202404041010_032620 | Internet of things (loT) - Digital twin - Use cases | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
164 | 1714_202404041010_032454 | Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Graphical Kernel System GKS Part 1: Functional description | Priyanshu Sharma | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
165 | 1712_202404041010_032318 | Internet of Things (IoT) - Overview and general requirements of IoT system for ecological environment monitoring | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
166 | 1703_202404041010_030013 | Internet of Things IoT - Interoperability for IoT systems - Part 1: Framework | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
167 | 1699_202404041010_025618 | Internet of Things IoT - Interoperability for IoT systems - Part 3: Semantic interoperability | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
168 | 1698_202404041010_025340 | Internet of Things IoT - Interoperability for IoT systems - Part 2: Transport interoperability | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
169 | 1697_202404041010_025114 | Internet of Things IoT - Interoperability for IoT systems - Part 4: Syntactic interoperability | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
170 | 1696_202404041010_024758 | .IEC SRD 63416:2023 Ethical considerations of artificial intelligence (AI) when applied in the active assisted living (AAL) | Active Assisted Living Sectional committee | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
171 | 1695_202404041010_024629 | .IEC 63240-2:2020 Active assisted living (AAL) reference architecture and architecture model - Part 2: Architecture model | Active Assisted Living Sectional committee | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
172 | 1693_202404041010_024203 | IEC 63240-1:2020 Active assisted living (AAL) reference architecture and architecture model - Part 1: Reference architecture | Active Assisted Living Sectional committee | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
173 | 1692_202404041010_023349 | Code of Practice for Designing Online Course Contents and Quality Assessment of Course Content Delivery Platform Part 3: Online course hosting platform quality model and assessment methodology | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
174 | 1691_202404041010_023236 | Wearable electronic devices and technologies Devices and systems: functional elements Evaluation method of the stretchable resistive strain sensor | LITD | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
175 | 1690_202404041010_023214 | Code of Practice for Designing Online Course Contents and Quality Assessment of Course Content Delivery Platform Part 2: Online Course Contents Quality Model and Assessment Methodology | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
176 | 1689_202404041010_023014 | Code of Practice for Designing Online Course Contents and Quality Assessment of Course Content Delivery Platform Part 1 Course Content Preparation Current Practices and Compliance Verification Criteria | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
177 | 1688_202404041010_022701 | Information technology Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e learning education and training Part 4 Access for all framework for individualized accessibility and registry server application programming interface API | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
178 | 1687_202404041010_022554 | Wearable electronic devices and technologies Performance measurement of fitness wearables Test methods of glove-type motion sensors for measuring finger movements | LITD | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
179 | 1686_202404041010_022116 | Wearable electronic devices and technologies Electronic textile Determination of electrical resistance of conductive textiles under simulated microclimate | LITD | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
180 | 1683_202404041010_015713 | Implementation of the 2-D Assessment System in Confidence Based Learning CBL | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
181 | 1682_202404041010_013137 | Wearable electronic devices and technologies Electronic textile Measurement methods for basic properties of conductive fabrics and insulation materials | LITD | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
182 | 1681_202404041010_012652 | Wearable Electronic Devices and Technologies Electronic Textile Measurement Methods for Basic Properties of Conductive Yarns | LITD | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
183 | 1680_202404041010_012124 | Wearable Electronic Devices and Technologies Terminology | LITD | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
184 | 1679_202404041010_011626 | Wearable electronic devices and technologies Test method for measuring surface temperature of wrist worn wearable electronic devices while in contact with human skin | LITD | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
185 | 1678_202404041010_010946 | Wearable electronic devices and technologies Smart body area network (SmartBAN) Enhanced ultra-low power physical layer | LITD | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
186 | 1677_202404041010_010005 | Wearable electronic devices and technologies Smart body area network (SmartBAN) Low complexity medium access control (MAC) for SmartBAN | LITD | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
187 | 1676_202404041010_125155 | Wearable electronic devices and technologies Electronic textile Snap fastener connectors between etextiles and detachable electronic devices | LITD | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
188 | 1675_202404041010_124915 | Study of Learning Record Store Interoperability Augmented by Blockchain | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
189 | 1674_202404041010_124820 | Storing JPEG images in DNA-based Data Storage Systems (JPEG DNA Exploration) | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
190 | 1673_202404041010_124414 | Wearable electronic devices and technologies Part 204 Electronic textile Sec 1 Test method for assessing washing durability of E-textile products | LITD | Others | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
191 | 1666_202404041010_122158 | Software systems and enterprise Architecture description First Revision | ASHISH TIWARI | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
192 | 1660_202404041010_121119 | Information technology Service management Part 5 Implementation guidance for IS ISO IEC 20000-1 First Revision | ASHISH TIWARI | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
193 | 1638_202404041010_104014 | Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Graphical Kernel System GKS Part 3: Audit trail | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
194 | 1637_202404041010_103501 | Information Technology - Adequacy of Organizational Data Governance and Management Practices | ASHISH TIWARI | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
195 | 1636_202404041010_102124 | Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Graphical Kernel System GKS Part 4: Picture part archive | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 10-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
196 | 1613_202404040909_053105 | Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Graphical Kernel System GKS Part 2: NDC metafile | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 09-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
197 | 1611_202404040909_051905 | Information Technology - Coding of Audio-Visual Objects Part 12 ISO Base Media File Format | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 09-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
198 | 1608_202404040909_045330 | Information Technology - Coding of Audio-Visual Objects Part 10 Advanced Video Coding | Priyanshu Sharma | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 09-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
199 | 1588_202404040909_024146 | Systems and software engineering Engineering and management of websites for systems, software and services information | ASHISH TIWARI | Industry/Industry Association | 09-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
200 | 1587_202404040909_023819 | Information technology IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES BPO) lifecycle processes Part 9: Guidelines on extending process capability assessment for digital transformation | ASHISH TIWARI | Industry/Industry Association | 09-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
201 | 1586_202404040909_022043 | Information technology IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes Part 8: Continual performance improvement (CPI) of ITES-BPO | ASHISH TIWARI | Industry/Industry Association | 09-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
202 | 1585_202404040909_124550 | Information technology IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes Part 7: Exemplar for maturity assessment | ASHISH TIWARI | Industry/Industry Association | 09-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
203 | 1584_202404040909_122837 | Information technology IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes Part 6: Guidelines on risk management | ASHISH TIWARI | Industry/Industry Association | 09-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
204 | 1583_202404040909_121717 | Information Technology - Governance of IT for the Organization | ASHISH TIWARI | Industry/Industry Association | 09-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
205 | 1582_202404040909_120506 | Data Content Standard for Geospatial Information Part 1 Soils | ASHISH TIWARI | Others | 09-04-2024 | Proposal under evaluation | |
206 | 698_202402022222_031250 | ISO19770-13 | Venkat Krishnan | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 22-02-2024 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
207 | 664_202401012323_025638 | White Rabbit | Divya Singh Yadav | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 23-01-2024 | New Proposal submitted | |
208 | 663_202401012323_125426 | Network Time Protocol Server | Divya Singh Yadav | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 23-01-2024 | New Proposal submitted | |
209 | 651_202312122929_044837 | Single-mode switch with PID control module for wavelength meter | Dr. Poonam Arora | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 29-12-2023 | Proposal under evaluation | |
210 | 596_202311111414_104044 | Standard for Software Package for Modelling and Simulation of Chemical Engineering Unit Operations and Processes | Swapnil Divekar | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 14-11-2023 | New Proposal submitted | |
211 | 593_202311110303_035943 | RF Generator | Vijayan Kumar Teeda | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 03-11-2023 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
212 | 566_202309092727_060050 | Laser and Wavemeter | Subhasis Panja | Central Government | 27-09-2023 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
213 | 565_202309092727_053357 | Time Tagger | Subhasis Panja | Central Government | 27-09-2023 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
214 | 560_202309092525_125815 | Clock Laser with ULE cavity | Subhasis Panja | Central Government | 25-09-2023 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
215 | 556_202309092121_104540 | Restive Ink for Pen | Dr. Ashish and Dr. Y N Mohapatra | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 21-09-2023 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
216 | 553_202309091919_104233 | Conductive ink for Pen | Dr. Ashish and Dr. Y N Mohapatra | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 19-09-2023 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
217 | 534_202308081212_122743 | LITD36 | Raghubir anand | Industry/Industry Association | 12-08-2023 | Proposal under evaluation | |
218 | 482_202305052323_022531 | VEENA ENTERPRISES | VENKATESH LOKANATH JARATARGHAR | Individual | 23-05-2023 | Proposal under evaluation | |
219 | 477_202304042525_032903 | ICE LINED REFRIGERATORS | AJAY MULAYAM SINGH SHARMA | Individual | 25-04-2023 | Proposal under evaluation | |
220 | 468_202304041919_085045 | ELECTRONIC WEARABLE, GADGETS AND AUDIO PRODUCTS ACCESSSORIES | ABHISHEK ARYA | Individual | 19-04-2023 | Proposal under evaluation | |
221 | 461_202304040202_125136 | Design, installation, commissioning and service of sound systems for emergency purposes | ELIZABETH BOB | Central Government | 02-04-2023 | Proposal under evaluation | |
222 | 460_202304040202_124319 | Sound System Control & Indicating Equipment | ELIZABETH BOB | Central Government | 02-04-2023 | Proposal under evaluation | |
223 | 450_202303031111_110149 | Objective rating of speech intelligibility by speech transmission index | ELIZABETH BOB | Central Government | 11-03-2023 | Proposal under evaluation | |
224 | 448_202303031111_094654 | Code of practice for the design, planning, installation, testing and maintenance of sound systems | ELIZABETH BOB | Central Government | 11-03-2023 | Proposal under evaluation | |
225 | 447_202303031111_092849 | Code of Practice for the design, Installation, Commissioning and maintenance of voice Alarm Systems | ELIZABETH BOB | Central Government | 11-03-2023 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
226 | 443_202302022727_064016 | SOHIL ENTERPRISES | RAJESH GUPTA | State Government | 27-02-2023 | Proposal under evaluation | |
227 | 363_202209092121_123827 | IS 13252 | bablu balkhande | Consumer Body/ NGO | 21-09-2022 | Proposal under evaluation | |
228 | 341_202204042828_103646 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | Javed Akhtar | Central Government | 28-04-2022 | Proposal under evaluation | |
229 | 340_202204041919_032036 | Product specification for electrical pecten sign | Gary Austin | Industry/Industry Association | 19-04-2022 | Proposal under evaluation | |
230 | 336_202204040808_081002 | Illuminated Shell Sign | Gary Austin | Industry/Industry Association | 08-04-2022 | Proposal under evaluation | |
231 | 314_202111112727_025955 | Unified Digital Infrastructure Unified Last Mile Communication Protocols Stack Part 4 Network Access Interface Layer IEEE 802154 - Section 1 Specification | Shri Amarjeet Kumar | Industry/Industry Association | 27-11-2021 | Proposal accepted | |
232 | 306_202110101616_105816 | Bulb | Ankur Saini | Individual | 16-10-2021 | Proposal under evaluation | |
233 | 300_202109090606_051254 | Loudness Estimation Algorithm for Cinema Soundtracks | Shri Raj Vartak | Industry/Industry Association | 06-09-2021 | Proposal not accepted by technical committee | |
234 | 299_202108083131_013035 | DESIGN CRITERIA OF PA SYSTEM & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PUBLIC ADDRESS (PA) SYSTEM | Shri Vinod Kumar Sharma | Central Government | 31-08-2021 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
235 | 287_202107072929_102111 | Security Sensor Device used at Door | SAMIR BISWAS | R&D/Scientific/Academia | 29-07-2021 | Clarification received from proposer. Proposal under evaluation subsequently | |
236 | 279_202107071212_040640 | Computational Approaches for Verification and Validation of AI Systems | Shri Srinivas Rao | Industry/Industry Association | 12-07-2021 | Draft available corresponding to proposal | |
237 | 257_202105050404_045341 | Functional Requirements of IoT Systems | Shri Aurindam Bhattacharya | Central Government | 04-05-2021 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
238 | 241_202103030808_105429 | Broadcast Loudness Standard | Shri Rajesh Bhat | Others | 08-03-2021 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
239 | 192_202010102121_052730 | International or Indian Standard Organisation Number - ISON | Vinod Krishnan | Others | 21-10-2020 | Clarification received from proposer. Proposal under evaluation subsequently | |
240 | 177_202009090101_052742 | LED BACKLIT LCD MONITOR FOR PERSONAL AND WORKSTATION COMPUTER -SPECIFICATION | Girish Mamtani | Central Government | 01-09-2020 | Proposal under consideration of Sectional Committee | |
241 | 168_202008081717_045132 | eQuality Management System | Dr. Shirshendu Roy | Central Government | 17-08-2020 | Proposal under evaluation |