Indian Standard Details


IS Number : IS 6472 : 1971
Reviewed In : 2018
IS Title [Eng-Hn] : General requirements for tinted ophthalmic glass
No of Revision : 0
No of Amendments : 1
Technical Department : Medical Equipment and Hospital Planning Department
Technical Committee : MHD 5 ( Ophthalmic Instruments and Appliances )
Language : English

Group : Medical and Hospital Equipments
Sub Group: Diagnostic Instruments
Sub Sub Group : General ophthalmic equipment
Aspects: Product Specification
Certification: Voluntary Certification
Ministry : Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Short Commom Man's Title: General Requirements for Tinted Ophthalmic Glass
Degree of Equivalence: Indigenous
Identical/Equivalent Standards:
Organisation :

Indian Standards Refered In IS IS 6472 : 1971 :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
IS 4382 : 1967 Specification For Non-Tinted Ophthalmic Glass MHD 5
IS 2 : 1960 Rules for Rounding off Numerical Values MSD 3
IS 1382 : 1981 Glossary of terms relating to glass and glassware (First Revision) CHD 10
IS 1399 : 1959 Glossary of terms used in optical technology PGD 39
IS 2303 : Part 1 : Sec 1 : 2012 Grading glass: Part 1 method of test and classification: Sec 1 hydrolytic resistance of glass grains at 98°C (Second Revision) CHD 10
IS 2303 : Part 1 : Sec 2 : 2012 Grading glass: Part 1 method of test and classification: Sec 2 hydrolytic resistance of glass grains at 121° C (Second Revision) CHD 10
IS 2303 : Part 2 : 2018 Grading glass for alkalinity: Part 2 hydrolytic resistance of glass containers - Determination by titration method and classification (Second Revision) CHD 10
IS 1400 : 1960 Specification for optical glass PGD 39
IS 1286 : 1967 Pictorial marking for handling goods in general MED 25
International Standards Refered In IS 6472 : 1971 Standard contains no Cross Referenced International Standard.
IS 6472 : 1971 is Refered in following Indian Standards : Standard contains no Cross Referenced Indian Standard.