Indian Standard Details


IS Number : IS 6532 : 1972
Reviewed In : 2025
IS Title [Eng-Hn] : Code of practice for design, installation, observation and maintenance of uplift pressure pipes for hydraulic structures on permeable foundations
No of Revision : 0
No of Amendments : 0
Technical Department : Water Resources Department
Technical Committee : WRD 16 ( Hydraulic Structures Instrumentation )
Language : English

Group : Civil Engineering Design and Construction
Sub Group: Hydraulic and other related structures
Sub Sub Group : Selection, installation, maintenance and observation of instruments for measurements of properties such as displacement, strain, stress, temperature etc in various dams
Aspects: Code of Practice
Certification: None
Ministry :
Short Commom Man's Title: Code of practice for design, installation, observation and maintenance of uplift pressure pipes for
Itchs: N/A
Degree of Equivalence: Indigenous
Identical/Equivalent Standards:
Organisation :

Indian Standards Refered In IS IS 6532 : 1972 :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
IS 5050 : 1992 Code ofpractice for design, construction and maintenance of relief wells (First Revision) WRD 8
International Standards Refered In IS 6532 : 1972 Standard contains no Cross Referenced International Standard.
IS 6532 : 1972 is Refered in following Indian Standards :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
1 IS 12892 : 1989 Safety of barrage and weir structures - Guidelines WRD 22
2 IS 7349 : 2012 Barrages and weirs - Operation and maintenance - Guidelines (Second Revision) WRD 22
3 IS 14248 : 1995 Guidelines for instrumentation of barrages and weirs WRD 16