Indian Standard Details


IS Number : IS 3778 : 1993
Reviewed In : 2013
IS Title [Eng-Hn] : Textiles - Dungri cloth,cotton khadi,bleached
No of Revision : 1
No of Amendments : 1
Technical Department : Textiles Department
Technical Committee : TXD 8 ( Handloom and Khadi )
Language : English

Group : Textile, Textile Products and Machinery
Sub Group: Cotton, wool and man made textile Products
Sub Sub Group : Khadi textiles
Aspects: Product Specification
Ministry : Ministry of Finance
Short Commom Man's Title: Dungri cloth cotton khadi bleached
Degree of Equivalence: Indigenous
Identical/Equivalent Standards:
Organisation :

Indian Standards Refered In IS IS 3778 : 1993 :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
IS 1347 : 1972 Specification for inland packaging of cotton cloth and yarn (first revision) TXD 31
IS 1383 : 1977 Methods for determination of scouring loss in grey and finished cotton textile materials (first revision) TXD 5
IS 1390 : 2019 Textiles – Determination of pH of aqueous extract (second revision) TXD 5
IS 1954 : 1990 Determination of length and width of woven fabrics – Methods (second revision) TXD 1
IS 1963 : 1981 Methods for determination of threads per unit length in woven fabrics (second revision) TXD 1
IS 1964 : 2001 Textiles – Methods for determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit area of fabrics (second revision) TXD 1
IS 293 : 1980 Code for seaworthy packaging of cotton yarn and cloth (third revision) TXD 31
IS 2977 : 1989 Fabrics (other than wool) – Method for determination of dimensional changes on soaking in water (first revision) TXD 5
IS 3442 : 1980 Method for determination of crimp and count of yarn removed from fabrics (first revision) TXD 1
IS 4905 : 2015 Random sampling and randomization procedures (First Revision) MSD 3
IS 667 : 1981 Method for Identification of Textile Fibres (first revision) TXD 5
IS 1969 : Part 1 : 2018 Textiles – Tensile properties of fabrics – Part 1 Determination of maximum force and elongation at maximum force using the strip method (fourth revision) TXD 1
International Standards Refered In IS 3778 : 1993 Standard contains no Cross Referenced International Standard.
IS 3778 : 1993 is Refered in following Indian Standards :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
1 IS 3778 : 1993 Textiles - Dungri cloth,cotton khadi,bleached TXD 8
2 IS 3778 : 1993 Textiles - Dungri cloth,cotton khadi,bleached TXD 8
3 IS 3778 : 1993 Textiles - Dungri cloth,cotton khadi,bleached TXD 8