Indian Standard Details


IS Number : IS/IEC 61076-4-102 : 1997
61076-4-102 : 1997

IS Title [Eng-Hn] : Connectors with assessed quality for use in d.c., low-frequency analogue and in digital high speed data applications – Part 4: Printed board connectors – Section 102: Detail specification for two-part single-pole connectors, for multiple uses on plug-in units, with pre-centring, coding and early mating features, having a metric grid in accordance with IEC 60917
No of Revision : 0
No of Amendments : 0
Technical Department : Electronics and Information Technology Department
Technical Committee : LITD 3 ( Electromechanical Components And Mechanical Structures For Electronic--equipment )
Language : English

Group : Electronic and Telecom equipments, components and devices
Sub Group: Electronic components and devices
Sub Sub Group : Electromechanical components
Aspects: Product Specification
Ministry : Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution - Department of Consumer Affairs
Short Commom Man's Title:
Itchs: N/A
Degree of Equivalence: Identical under single numbering
Identical/Equivalent Standards:61076-4-102 : 1997
Organisation :

Indian Standards Refered In IS IS/IEC 61076 : Part 4 : Sec 102 : 1997 :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
IS 9000 : Part 1 : 1988 Basic environmental testing procedures for electronic and electrical items: Part 1 general (First Revision) LITD 1
IS 10424 : 1982 Guide for design and use of printed boards LITD 5
IS 10673 : 1983 Sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes for electronic items LITD 2
IS 12448 : Part 1 : 1988 Basic testing procedures and measuring methods for electromechanical components for electronic equipment: Part 1 general LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 2 : Sec 1 : 1988 Basic testing procedures and measuring methods for electrotechnical components for electronic equipment: Part 2 general examination, electrical continuity and contact resistance tests, insulation tests and voltage stress tests: Sec 1 general examination LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 2 : Sec 2 : 1988 Basic testing procedures and measuring methods for electromechanical components for electronic equipment: Part 2 general examination, electrical continuity and contact resistance tests, insulation tests and voltage stress tests: Sec 2 electrical continuity and contact resistance tests LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 2 : Sec 3 : 1988 Basic testing procedures and measuring methods for electromechanical components for electronic equipment: Part 2 general examination, electrical continuity and contact resistance tests, insulation tests and voltage stress tests: Sec 3 insulation tests LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 2 : Sec 4 : 1988 Basic testing procedures and measuring methods for electromechanical components for electronic equipment: Part 2 general examination, electrical continuity and contact resistance tests, insulation tests and voltage stress tests: Sec 4 voltage stress tests LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 3 : 1989 Basic testing procedures and measuring methods for electromechanical components for electronic equipment: Part 3 current - Carrying capacity tests LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 4 : 1989 Basic testing procedures and measuring methods for Electromechanical components for electronic equipment: Part 4 dynamic stress tests LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 5 : Sec 1 : 1989 Basic testing procedures and measuring methods for electromechanical components for electronic equipment: Part 5 impact tests (Free Components), static load tests (Fixed Components), endurance tests and overload tests: Sec 1 impact tests (Free Components) LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 5 : Sec 2 : 1989 Basic testing procedure and measuring methods for electromechanical components: Part 5 (Fixed For Electronic Equipment Impact Tests (Free Components), static load tests components), endurance tests and overload tests .: Sec 2 static load tests (Fixed Components) LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 5 : Sec 3 : 1989 Basic testing measuring standard procedures and methods for electromechanical components for electronic equipment: Part 5 impact tests (Free Components), static load tests (Fixed Components), endurance tests and overload tests: Sec 3 endurance tests LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 5 : Sec 4 : 1989 Basic testing procedures and measuring methods for electromechanical components for electronic equipment: Part 5 impact tests (Free Components), static load tests (Fixed Components), endurance tests and overload tests: Sec 4 overload tests LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 6 : 1991 Basic testing procedures and measuring methods for electromechanical components for electronic equipment: Part 6 climatic tests and soldering tests LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 7 : 1990 Basic testing procedures and measuring methods for electromechanical components for electronic equipment: Part 7 mechanical operating tests and sealing tests LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 8 : 1992 Basic testing procedures and measuring methods for electromechanical components for electronic equipment: Part 8 connector tests (Mechanical) and mechanical tests on contacts and terminations LITD 3
IS 12448 : Part 9 : 1992 Basic testing procedures and measuring methods for electromechanical components for electronic equipment:Part 9 Cable-clamping tests, explosion hazard tests,chemical resistance tests,fire hazard tests of LITD 3
International Standards Refered In IS/IEC 61076 : Part 4 : Sec 102 : 1997 Standard contains no Cross Referenced International Standard.
IS/IEC 61076 : Part 4 : Sec 102 : 1997 is Refered in following Indian Standards :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
1 IS/IEC 60947 : Part 5 : Sec 2 : 2007 Low - Voltage switchgear and controlgear: Part 5 control circuit devices and switching elements: Sec 2 proximity switches ETD 7