SNo |
IS Number |
Title |
Technical Committee |
1 |
IS 6966 : Part 1 : 1989 |
Hydraulic design of barrages and weirs - Guidelines: Part 1 alluvial reaches (First Revision) |
WRD 22 |
2 |
IS 11150 : 1993 |
Construction of concrete barrages - Code of practice (First Revision) |
WRD 22 |
3 |
IS 3911 : 1994 |
Surface floats - Functional requirements (First Revision) |
WRD 1 |
4 |
IS 3912 : 2013 |
Hydrometry - Direct depth sounding and suspension equipment (Second Revision) |
WRD 1 |
5 |
IS 4073 : 1967 |
Specification for fish weights |
WRD 1 |
6 |
IS 4890 : 1968 |
Methods for measurement of suspended sediment in open channels |
WRD 1 |
7 |
IS 6062 : 1971 |
Method of measurement of flow of water in open channels using standing wave flume - Fall |
WRD 1 |
8 |
IS 6063 : 1971 |
Method of measurement of flow of water in open channels using standing wave flume |
WRD 1 |
9 |
IS 6064 : 1971 |
Specification for sounding and suspension equipment |
WRD 1 |
10 |
IS 15840 : 2009 |
Determination of volume of water and water level in lakes and reservoirs |
WRD 10 |
11 |
IS 14371 : 2016 |
Measurement of liquid flow in open channels - Parshall and saniiri flumes (First Revision) |
WRD 1 |
12 |
IS 15772 : 2014 |
Hydrometry - Field measurement of discharge in large rivers and rivers in flood (First Revision) |
WRD 1 |
13 |
IS 15360 : 2003 |
Measurement of liquid flow in open channels - Bed material sampling |
WRD 1 |
14 |
IS 15454 : 2004 |
Liquid flow measurement in open channels - Velocity - Area method using a restricted number of verticals |
WRD 1 |
15 |
IS 15822 : 2008 |
Measurement of liquid flow in open channels - Equipment for the measurement of discharge under ice conditions |
WRD 1 |
16 |
IS 15823 : 2009 |
Hydrometry - Computing stream flow using an unsteady flow model |
WRD 1 |
17 |
IS 15847 : 2020 |
Hydrometry - Stage-fall-discharge Relationship ( First Revision ) |
WRD 1 |
18 |
IS 15873 : 2010 |
Hydrometric determination - Unstable channels and ephemeral streams |
WRD 1 |
19 |
IS 13495 : 1992 |
Design of sediment excluders - Guidelines |
WRD 14 |
20 |
IS 13371 : 2014 |
Hydrometry - Calibration of current - Meters in straight open tanks (First Revision) |
WRD 1 |
21 |
IS 15646 : Part 1 : 2006 |
Measurements of free surface flow in closed conduits : Part 1 Methods |
WRD 1 |
22 |
IS 15646 : Part 2 : 2006 |
Measurements of free surface flow in closed conduits : Part 2 Equipment |
WRD 1 |
23 |
IS 4858 : 1968 |
Specification for velocity rods |
WRD 1 |
24 |
IS 9163 : Part 1 : 1979 |
Dilution Methods for Measurement of Steady Flow - Part I : Constant Rate Injection Method |
WRD 1 |
25 |
IS 6339 : 2013 |
Hydrometry - Sediment in streams and canals - Determination of concentration, particle size distribution and relative density (First Revision) |
WRD 1 |
26 |
IS 4410 : Part 15 : Sec 4 : 1977 |
Glossary of terms relating to river valley projects: Part 15 canal structures: Sec 4 regulating works |
WRD 13 |
27 |
IS 16274 : 2018 |
Hydrometry - Hydrometric data transmission systems - Specification of system requirements (First Revision) |
WRD 1 |
28 |
IS 16364 : 2017 |
Hydrometric uncertainity - Guidance (Hug) |
WRD 1 |
29 |
IS 16571 : 2017 |
Measurement of liquid flow in open channels - Moving - Boat method |
WRD 1 |
30 |
IS 16696 : 2018 |
Hydrometry - Suspended sediment in streams and canals - Determination of concentration by surrogate techniques |
WRD 1 |
31 |
IS 2912 : 1999 |
Liquid flow measurement in open channels - Slope - Area method (First Revision) |
WRD 1 |
32 |
IS 14673 : 2014 |
Hydrometry - Open channel flow measurement using triangular profile weirs (First Revision) |
WRD 1 |
33 |
IS 4410 : Part 5 : 1982 |
Glossary of terms relating to river valley projects: Part v canals (First Revision) |
WRD 13 |
34 |
IS 1192 : 2013 |
Hydrometry - Measurement of liquid flow in open channels using current - Meters or floats (Second Revision) |
WRD 1 |
35 |
IS 9119 : 1979 |
Method of flow estimation by jet characteristics (Approximate Method) |
WRD 1 |
36 |
IS 4080 : 1994 |
Vertical staff gauges - Functional requirements (First Revision) |
WRD 1 |