IS Number : | IS 13741 (Part 5) : 1993 Reviewed In : 2018 Reaffirmed but not taken up for revision |
IS Title [Eng-Hn] : | Carbide tips: Part 5 Carbide tips for twist drills with point angle 115 degree C -- Specification |
No of Revision : | 0 |
No of Amendments : | 1 |
Technical Department : | Production and General Engineering Department |
Technical Committee : | PGD 32 ( Cutting Tools ) |
Language : | English |
Group : | Gases, Gas Cylinders , Machine tools and other mechanical products |
Sub Group: | Hand tools and machine components |
Sub Sub Group : | Turning and saw cutting tools |
Aspects: | Product Specification |
Certification: | Voluntary Certification |
Ministry : | |
Short Commom Man's Title: | Carbide Tips - Part 5 : Carbide Tips for Twist Drills with Point Angle 115 |
Itchs: | 82078000 |
Degree of Equivalence: | Indigenous |
Identical/Equivalent Standards: | |
Organisation : |
Indian Standards Refered In IS IS 13741 : Part 5 : 1993 : |
International Standards Refered In IS 13741 : Part 5 : 1993 |
IS 13741 : Part 5 : 1993 is Refered in following Indian Standards : |