Indian Standard Details


IS Number : IS 2253 : 1974
IEC 34-7
Reviewed In : 2017
Reaffirmed but not taken up for revision
IS Title [Eng-Hn] : Designations for types of construction and mounting arrangements of rotating electrical machines (First Revision)
No of Revision : 1
No of Amendments : 0
Technical Department : Electrotechnical Department
Technical Committee : ETD 15 ( Rotating Machinery )
Language : English

Group : Electrical Switchgear and Other Electrical Products/Accessories
Sub Group: Motors, Winding Wires and Accessories
Sub Sub Group : Motors, Generators & Turbines
Aspects: Code of Practice
Ministry :
Short Commom Man's Title:
Degree of Equivalence: Identical under dual numbering
Identical/Equivalent Standards:60034-7
Organisation :

Indian Standards Refered In IS IS 2253 : 1974 :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
Standard contains no Cross Referenced Indian Standard.
Standard contains no Cross Referenced Indian Standard.
International Standards Refered In IS 2253 : 1974 Standard contains no Cross Referenced International Standard.
IS 2253 : 1974 is Refered in following Indian Standards :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
1 IS 14279 : 1995 Lubricating equipment - Barrel transfer pumps for grease specification PGD 19
2 IS 12066 : 1987 Specification for three - Phase induction motors for machine tools ETD 15
3 IS 996 : 2009 Single phase a.c. induction motors for general purpose (Third Revision) ETD 15
4 IS 17826 : 2022 Sensory analysis Methodology Duo-trio Test FAD 28
5 IS 2253 : 1974 Designations for types of construction and mounting arrangements of rotating electrical machines (First Revision) ETD 15