Indian Standard Details


IS Number : IS 3137 : 1974
Reviewed In : 2020
Reaffirmed but not taken up for revision
IS Title [Eng-Hn] : Specification for high-protein mixes for use as food supplements (First Revision)
No of Revision : 1
No of Amendments : 0
Technical Department : Food and Agriculture Department
Technical Committee : FAD 16 ( Foodgrains, Allied products, and other agricultural produce )
Language : English

Group : Food, Food Products and food processing equipments
Sub Group: Ready to eat foods
Sub Sub Group : Specialized products
Aspects: Product Specification
Certification: Voluntary Certification
Ministry : Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution - Department of Food and Public Distribution, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Short Commom Man's Title: High-protein Mixes for Use as Food Supplements
Degree of Equivalence: Indigenous
Identical/Equivalent Standards:
Organisation :

Indian Standards Refered In IS IS 3137 : 1974 :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
IS 2 : 1960 Rules for Rounding off Numerical Values MSD 3
IS 4684 : 1975 Specification for edible groundnut flour (Expeller Pressed) (First Revision) FAD 16
IS 4875 : 1975 Specification for edible groundnut flour (Solvent Extracted) (First Revision) FAD 16
IS 4874 : 1968 Edible Cottonseed Flour (expeller Pressed) FAD 11
IS 4876 : 1986 Specification for edible cottonseed flour (Solvent Extracted) (First Revision) FAD 16
IS 5276 : 1969 Edible soya flour (solvent extracted) FAD 11
IS 5275 : 1969 Edible soya flour (expeller pressed) FAD 11
IS 6108 : 1971 Specification for edible sesaitile flour (Solvent Extracted) FAD 16
IS 6109 : 1971 Specification for edible sesame flour (Expeller Pressed) FAD 16
IS 2400 : 1976 Specification for besan (First Revision) FAD 16
IS 2491 : 2013 Food hygiene - General principles - Code of practice (Third Revision) FAD 15
IS 1155 : 1968 Specification for wheat aita (Second Revision) FAD 16
IS 7219 : 1973 Method for determination of protein in foods and feeds FAD 28
IS 5402 : 2012 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of Micro - Organisms - Colony - Count technique at 30°C (Second Revision) FAD 31
IS 5401 : Part 1 : 2012 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of coliforms: Part 1 colony count technique (Second Revision) FAD 31
IS 5887 : Part 1 : 1976 Methods for detection of bacteria responsible for food poisoning: Part 1 isolation, identification and enumeration of escherichia coli (First Revision) FAD 31
IS 7481 : 1974 Method for determination of protein efficiency ratio (Per) FAD 28
IS 5886 : 1970 Methods for estimation of carotenes and vitamin A (Retinol) in foodstuffs FAD 28
IS 5835 : 1970 Method for estimation of vitamin D in foodstuffs FAD 28
IS 5838 : 1970 Methods for estimation of vitamin C in foodstuffs FAD 28
IS 5398 : 1969 Methods for estimation of thiamine (Vitamin B1) in foodstuffs FAD 28
IS 5399 : 1969 Methods for estimation of riboflavin (Vitamin B2) in, foodstuffs FAD 28
IS 5400 : 1969 Methods for estimation of nicotinic acid (Niacin) in foodstuffs FAD 28
IS 1656 : 2007 Milk - Cereal based complementary foods - Specification (Fourth Revision) FAD 19
IS 1070 : 1992 Reagent grade water - Specification (Third Revision) CHD 13
International Standards Refered In IS 3137 : 1974
SNo International Standard Number
1 0 0 : 0 : 0 0
IS 3137 : 1974 is Refered in following Indian Standards :
SNo IS Number Title Technical Committee
1 IS 1011 : 2002 Biscuits - Specification (Fourth Revision) FAD 16
2 IS 1011 : 2002 Biscuits (bi-lingual) FAD 16
3 IS 7715 : 1975 Method for testing suitability of bins for safe storage of food grains FAD 16
4 IS 8222 : 1976 Specification for edible leaf protein concentrate FAD 16
5 IS 9038 : 1979 Specification for reconstitutable protein beverage food FAD 16
6 IS 7187 : 1989 Ice cream cones - Specification (First Revision) FAD 16