Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 4 methods of test for paper, board and pulp: Sec 1 standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing and procedure for monitoring the atmosphere and conditioning of samples
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 4 methods of test for paper, board and pulps: Sec 2 determination of residue (Ash) on ignition at 525°C
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 4 methods of test for paper, board and pulps: Sec 3 determination of residue (Ash) on ignition at 900°C
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 4 methods of test for paper, board and pulp: Sec 11 determination of acid soluble magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper, sodium and potassium
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 4 methods of test for paper, board and pulps: Sec 12 determination of cadmium content - Atomic absorption spectrometric method
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 5 methods of test for paper and board: Sec 3 determination of thickness, density and specific volume
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 5 methods of test for paper and board: Sec 4 determination of water absorptiveness - Cobb method
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 5 methods of test for paper and board: Sec 6 determination of tensile properties - Constant rate of elongation method (20 Mm/min)
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 5 methods of test for paper and board: Sec 9 determination of resistance to picking - Accelerated speed method using the igt - Type tester (Electric Model)
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 5 methods of test for paper and board: Sec 10 determination of smoothness (Bekk Method)
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 5 methods of test for paper and board: Sec 14 determination of air permeance and air resistance (Medium Range) - Gurley method
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 5 methods of test for paper and board: Sec 16 determination of capillary rise - Klemm method
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 5 methods of test for paper and board: Sec 18 determination of cie whiteness, D65/10° (Outdoor Daylight)
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 5 methods of test for paper and board: Sec 20 determination of roughness/smoothness (Air Leak Methods) - Bendtsen method
Method of Sampling and Test for Paper and Allied Products Part 5 Method of Test for Paper and Board Section 21 Determination of roughness / smoothness ( Air leak methods ) — Sheffield method
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 6 methods of test for paper: Sec 1 determination of tearing resistance - Elmendorf method
Methods of sampling and test for paper and allied products: Part 6 methods of test for paper and board: Sec 3 determination of folding endurance of paper
Writing and printing papers - Specification: Part 1 account book, azure lead, bond, cream laid and cream wove/printing white/printing coloured/printing offset, printing maplitho, printing white super calendered and typewriting types (Fifth Revision)
Writing and printing papers - Specification: Part 2 air mail/manifold, cartridge drawing and cartridge white, duplicating absorbent and duplicating semi - Absorbent and poster machine glazed types (Fifth Revision)