To prepare standards of general and common nature in the field of electrotechnology, such as voltages, current ratings and frequency, power quality, quantities and units, nomenclature, graphical symbols, basic marking and general requirements for enclosures of equipment
IEC TC- (O): Terminology ; IEC TC- (P): Information structures and elements, identification and marking principles, documentation and graphical symbols ; IEC TC- 3C SC- 3C (O): Graphical symbols for use on equipment ; IEC TC- (P): Systems aspects for electrical energy supply ; IEC TC- (O): Quantities and units ; IEC TC- (O): Degrees of protection provided by enclosures ; IEC TC-1 (O): Terminology ; IEC TC-3 (P): Documentation, graphical symbols and representations of technical information ; IEC TC- SC-3C (O): Graphical symbols for use on equipment ; IEC TC-8 (P): System aspects of electrical energy supply ; IEC TC-25 (O): Quantities and units ; IEC TC-70 (O): Degrees of protection provided by enclosures ; IEC TC-3 (O): Documentation, graphical symbols and representations of technical information ; IEC TC-70 (P): Degrees of protection provided by enclosures ; IEC TC-1 (O): Terminology ; IEC TC-25 (O): Quantities and units ; IEC TC-3 (O): Documentation, graphical symbols and representations of technical information ; IEC TC-3 SC-3C (O): Graphical symbols for use on equipment ; IEC TC-70 (P): Degrees of protection provided by enclosures ; IEC TC-8 (P): System aspects of electrical energy supply ; IEC TC-08 (P): Power Quality ;
Solid Electrical Insulating Materials And Insulation Systems
To prepare standards:
a) on solid electrical insulating materials.
b) on guiding principles and on the philosophy of evaluation of insulation systems in general
c) for functional test programmes and methods intended for evaluation of possible insulation systems and their suitability for use in electrical equipment.
d) for classification of insulation systems based upon their capability to withstand the complex of the most important service determined by the conditions of the use of insulation in equipment.
IEC TC- (P): Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulating materials and systems ; IEC TC- (O): Solid electric insulating materials ; IEC TC-112 (P): Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulating materials and systems ; IEC TC-15 (O): Solid electric insulating materials ; IEC TC-15 (P): Solid electrical insulating materials ; IEC TC-112 (P): Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulating materials and systems ; IEC TC-15 (P): Solid electrical insulating materials ;
To prepare product specifications, test methods as well as maintenance and use guides for liquid and gaseous dielectric. Also to prepare specifications
and maintenance and use guides for lubricants and control fluids for turbines, generators and control systems as well as to assist in the preparations of test methods for such fluids
IEC TC- (P): Fluids for electrotechnical applications ; IEC TC-IEC TC 10 (P): Fluids for electrotechnical applications ; IEC TC-10 (P): Fluids for electrotechnical applications ; IEC TC-10 (P): Fluids for electrotechnical applications ;
To prepare standards regarding insulated bushing, insulators for overhead lines, insulators for sub-stations and jointing accessories which are integral parts of insulators
To prepare standards for switchgear and controlgear such as circuit breakers, switches, contactors, starters, disconnectors, bus bars, fuse combination units and semiconductors connectors and any switchgear
assemblies for voltages upto and including 1 000 V ac or 1 200 V dc
IEC TC-121 SC-121A (P): Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear ; IEC TC-121 SC-121B (P): Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies ; IEC TC-23 SC-23E (P): C IRCUIT - BREAKERS AND SIMILAR EQUIPMENT FOR HOUSEHOLD USE ; IEC TC-121 (P): Switchgear and controlgear and their assemblies for low voltage ; IEC TC-23 SC-23E (P): Circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use ; IEC TC-121 (P): Switchgear and controlgear and their assemblies for low voltage ; IEC TC-121 SC-121A (P): Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear ; IEC TC-121 SC-121B (P): Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies ;
High Voltage Switchgear And Controlgear
To prepare standards for switchgear and controlgear; such as circuit breakers, switches contactors, starters, disconnectors, busbars and any switchgear assemblies for voltages more than 1000 V ac
To prepare standards for electric cables and their accessories, without limitations of voltage, current or form of construction but excluding cables for
telecommunications and electronic equipment and such other cables as fall within the scope of other committees
IEC TC-20 (P): Electric cables ; IEC TC-20 (P): Electric cables ;
To prepare international standards for primary cells and batteries, particularly those relating to specifications, dimensions, performance and guidance on safety matters.
IEC TC- 35 (P): Primary cells and batteries ; IEC TC-35 (P): Primary cells and batteries ;
To prepare standards for direct and indirect acting analogue and digital indicating and recording instruments and their accessories, also transducers
having electrical inputs and outputs for measuring electrical quantities by any method on direct current and alternating current at distribution system frequencies and their harmonics
To prepare standards for primary reference apparatus, operating on direct current and alternating current at distribution frequencies and their harmonics for the purpose of measurement, traceability and intercomparison
IEC TC-85 (O): Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities ; IEC TC-85 (P): Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities ; IEC TC-85 (P): Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities ;
ETD 13
Equipment For Electrical Energy Measurement And Load Control
To prepare national standards for equipment for electrical energy measurement, tariff - and load control, customer infromation, payment, local and/or remote data exchange, using electromechanical and/or electronic,
technologies for applications ranging from electrical energy generation to residential. The standards may include requirements and test methods to cover mechanical, environmental, electrical, safety, metrology dependability aspects as well as functional requirements and data models
IEC TC-13 (P): Electrical energy measurement and control ; IEC TC-13 (P): Electrical energy measurement and control ; IEC TC-13 (P): Electricity metering equipment ; IEC TC-13 (P): Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control ; IEC TC-13 (P): Smart Metering Functions and Processes ;
To prepare standards for electrical wiring accessories ; such as lamp holders, switches, plugs and socket- outlets, connecting devices and conduits and their accessories for electrical installations
IEC TC- (O): Electrical accessories ; IEC TC- 23A SC- 23A (O): Cable management systems ; IEC TC- 23B SC- 23B (P): Plugs, socket-outlets and switches ; IEC TC- 23E SC- 23E (P): Circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use ; IEC TC- 23G SC- 23G (O): Appliance couplers ; IEC TC- 23H SC- 23H (O): Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for industrial and similar applications, and for Electric Vehicles ; IEC TC- 23J SC- 23J (O): Switches for appliances ; IEC TC- 34B SC- 34B (P): Lamp caps and holders ; IEC TC-23 (O): Electrical accessories ; IEC TC-23 SC-23A (P): Cable management systems ; IEC TC-23 SC-23B (P): Plugs, socket-outlets and switches ; IEC TC-23 SC-23G (O): Appliance couplers ; IEC TC-23 SC-23H (P): Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for industrial and similar applications, and for Electric Vehicles ; IEC TC-23 SC-23J (O): Switches for appliances ;
To prepare standards on rotating electrical machines like induction, synchronous, motors, generators, dc machines and turbines including carbon brushes for electrical machines (with the exception of traction machines and rotating machinery coming under the purview of other
IEC TC- (P): Rotating Machinery ; IEC TC- (P): Hydraulic turbines ; IEC TC- (P): Steam turbines ; ISO TC-43 SC-1 (O): Acousics/ Noise ; IEC TC-02 (P): Rotating machinery ; IEC TC-04 (P): Hydraulic turbines ; IEC TC-05 (P): Steam turbines ; IEC TC-23 (O): Electrical accessories ; IEC TC-23 SC-23A (P): Cable management systems ; IEC TC-23 SC-23B (P): Plugs, socket-outlets and switches ; IEC TC-23 SC-23G (O): Appliance couplers ; IEC TC-23 SC-23H (P): Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for industrial and similar applications, and for Electric Vehicles ; IEC TC-23 SC-23J (O): Switches for appliances ; IEC TC-116 (O): Safety of motor-operated electric tools ; IEC TC-2 (P): Rotating machinery ;
To prepare standards on power and distribution transformers, reactors, onload tap changers, etc, without limitation on voltage or power. Transformer accessories and voltage stablizers, testing transformers and furnace transformers are included. (Instrument transformers, welding transformers and traction transformers are excluded)
IEC TC- 14 (P): Power transformers ; IEC TC- 96 (P): Transformers, reactors, power supply units, and combinations thereof ; IEC TC-14 (P): Power transformers ; IEC TC-96 (P): Transformers, reactors, power supply units, and combinations thereof ;
To prepare standards for systems and elements used for industrial process measurement and control concerning continuous and batch processes
To coordinate the standardization of those features of related elements which affect suitability for integration into such systems operating with electrical, pneumatic, hydraulics mechanical or other systems of measurements and/or control
IEC TC- (P): Industrial-process measurement, control and automation ; IEC TC- 65 A SC- 65 A (P): System aspects ; IEC TC- 65 B SC- 65 B (P): Measurement and control devices ; IEC TC- (O): Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing ; IEC TC-27 SC-27 (P): Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing ; IEC TC-27 (P): Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing ; IEC TC-65 (P): Industrial-process measurement, control and automation ; IEC TC-65 SC-65A (P): System aspects ; IEC TC-65 SC-65B (P): Measurement and control devices ;
ETD 19
High Voltage Engineering
To prepare standards for high voltage testing techniques and for different types of tests belonging there to such as high voltage ac, dc and impulse tests and high current impulse tests, definitions and basic principles of insulation coordination and insulation levels
To prepare appllication guides recommending the insulation levels in relation to possibilities of over-voltage protection devices. The work also includes
formulation of standards for clearances and creepage distances
IEC TC-28 (P): Insulation co-ordination ; IEC TC-42 (P): High-voltage and high-current test techniques ; IEC TC-109 (O): Insulation co-ordination for low-voltage equipment ; IEC TC-109 (P): Insulation co-ordination for low-voltage equipment ; IEC TC-42 (P): High-voltage and high-current test techniques ; IEC TC-99 (P): Insulation co-ordination and system engineering of high voltage electrical power installations above 1,0 kV AC and 1,5 kV DC ; ISO TC-106 (P): Methods for the assessment of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields associated with human exposure ;
ETD 20
Electrical Installation
To prepare standards for safety and related matters in designing, erection and maintenance of electrical installations from the point of view of safety
and good practice that would, amongst other things, promote compatibility between such standards and those concerning the equipment installed The work includes electrical installations in buildings for different
occupancies and outdoor sites of temporary or permanent nature and also installations in the ships
IEC TC- 18 (O): Electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units ; IEC TC- 64 (P): Electrical installations and protection against electric shock ; IEC TC- 73 (O): Short-circuit currents ; IEC TC- 81 (O): Lightning protection ; IEC TC- 18A SC- 18A (O): Cables and cable installations ; IEC TC-18 (O): Electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units ; IEC TC-18 SC-18A (O): Electric cables for ships and mobile and fixed offshore units ; IEC TC-64 (P): Electrical installations and protection against electric shock ; IEC TC-73 (O): Short-circuit currents ; IEC TC-81 (P): Lightning protection ; IEC TC-81 (P): Application Guide of IEC 62305-3, Ed.3 ; IEC TC-64 (P): Residential electrical installation in direct current not intended to be connected to Public Distribution Network ;
To prepare standards on the construction, performance, testing and safety requirements for electric welding equipment and accessories for both arc and resistance type
ISO TC-44 SC-  (O): Welding and allied processes ; IEC TC-26 SC-  (O): Electric welding ; IEC TC-26 (O): Electric welding ; ISO TC-44 (O): Welding and allied processes ; IEC TC-26 (O): Electric welding ; IEC TC-26 (O): Electric welding ;
ETD 22
Electrical Apparatus For Explosive Atmosphere
To prepare guidelines and requirements for electrical apparatus for use where there is a hazard due to the possible presence of ignitable gas, vapour liquid particles or dust in the atmosphere.
IEC TC-31 SC-31J,31G (P): Equipment for explosive atmospheres ; IEC TC-TC 31 (P): Equipment for explosive atmospheres ; IEC TC- SC-SC 31G (O): Intrinsically-safe apparatus ; IEC TC- SC-SC 31J (P): Classification of hazardous areas and installation requirements ; IEC TC-31 (P): Equipment for explosive atmospheres ; IEC TC- SC-31G (O): Intrinsically-safe apparatus ; IEC TC- SC-31J (P): Classification of hazardous areas and installation requirements ; IEC TC- SC-31 M (O): Non-electrical equipment and protective systems for explosive atmospheres ; IEC TC- SC-31G (P): Intrinsically-safe apparatus ; IEC TC- SC-31M (P): Non-electrical equipment and protective systems for explosive atmospheres ; IEC TC-3 SC-3D (O): Classes, Properties and Identification of products - Common Data Dictionary (CDD) ; IEC TC-31 (P): Equipment for explosive atmospheres ; IEC TC-31 SC-31G (P): Intrinsically-safe apparatus ; IEC TC-31 SC-31J (P): Classification of hazardous areas and installation requirements ; IEC TC-31 SC-31M (P): Non-electrical equipment and protective systems for explosive atmospheres ;
ETD 23
Lamps and Related Equipments
To prepare standards for all types of electric lamps, caps and their auxiliaries
To prepare standards for systems of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy into electrical energy and for all the elements in the entire photovoltaic energy systems In this context, the concept photovoltaic energy systems includes the entire field from light input to solar cell and including the interface with the electrical system(s) to which energy is supplied
IEC TC-82 (P): Solar photovoltaic energy systems ; IEC TC-82 (P): Solar photovoltaic energy systems ;
To prepare standards for: a) Shunt Capacitors, Series capacitors for ac power systems
b) Capacitors for surge protection for use in voltage system
c) Shunt capacitors for the self-healing type and nonself-healing type for ac power systems.
d) Capacitors for electric fan motors, A.C. motor capacitors, Capacitors for microwave ovens
e) Internal fuses and internal overpressure disconnectors for shunt capacitors & , series capacitors and power electronic capacitors
f) Coupling capacitor and capacitor dividers, Voltage grading capacitor Grading capacitors for highvoltage alternating current circuit-breaker
g) Capacitors for inductive heat generating plants, & induction heating installations
h) Power electronics capacitors, Energy storage capacitors
i) Automatic power factor connection (APFC) panels
IEC TC-33 (P): Power capacitors and their applications ; IEC TC-33 (P): Power capacitors and their applications ; IEC TC-34 (P): Lighting ;
ETD 30
Surge Arresters
To prepare standards on surge arresters and their accessories, application guide for surge arrestors for different locations
To prepare standards regarding equipment and their components for electronic power switching
To prepare standards for electrical appliances for household and similar purpopses, including associated controls
IEC TC- (P): Power electronic systems and equipment ; IEC TC- 22E SC- 22E (O): Stabilized power supplies ; IEC TC- 22G SC- 22G (O): Adjustable speed electric drive systems incorporating semiconductor power converters ; IEC TC- SC-22E (P): Stabilized power supplies ; IEC TC-22 (P): Power electronic systems and equipment ; IEC TC- SC-22G (P): Adjustable speed electric power drive systems (PDS) ; IEC TC- SC-22H (P): Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) ; IEC TC-22 (P): Power electronic systems and equipment ; IEC TC-22 SC-22E (P): Stabilized power supplies ; IEC TC-22 SC-22G (P): Adjustable speed electric power drive systems (PDS) ; IEC TC-22 SC-22H (P): Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) ;
To prepare standards for wires for electrical winding irrrespective of conductor material, shape or type of covering taking into account the needs in the fields of electrotechnology
To prepare standards for power systems relays including those incorporating solid state devices, also taking into account combination of relays and devices to form schemes for power systems including control
equipment associated with that protection
To prepare standard on electrical and mechanical characteriistics as well as reliability requirements for tools and eqipment used in connections with work
on energized electrical systems
IEC TC- 78 (O): Live working ; IEC TC-78 (O): Live working ; IEC TC-78 (O): Live working ;
ETD 37
Conductors And Accessories For Overhead Lines
To prepare standards for conductors and accessories for overhead power lines and codes of practice for the design, installation and maintainance or overhead power lines
To prepare standards regarding specification for all types of fuses, with the object of determining :
a) The characteristics which are essential in specifying the conditions for installation and operation of the fuses
b) The requirements to be met by the fuses and the tests designed to ascertain their compliance with such requirements as well as the procedures to be followed for these tests
c) Markings
To prepare for these fuses standards, standard values of:
1) Characteristics, rated voltages, currents and breaking capacities:
2) Dimensions in connections with the fixing and interchangeability of high voltage and low voltage fuses
To prepare standards and guidelines on equipment and performance of high- voltage d.c(HVDC) Transmission Systems
IEC TC- 22F SC- 22F (P): High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission for DC voltages above 100 kV ; IEC TC- SC-22F (P): Power electronics for electrical transmission and distribution systems ; IEC TC-115 (P): High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission for DC voltages above 100 kV ; IEC TC-115 (P): High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission for DC voltages above 100 kV ; IEC TC-22 SC-22F (P): Power electronics for electrical transmission and distribution systems ;
ETD 42
Wind Turbines
To prepare Indian standards for wind turbines that convert wind energy into electrical energy. These standards address
design requirements, engineering integrity, measurement techniques and test procedures. Their purpose is to provide a basis for design, quality assurance and certification. The standards are concerned with all
subsystems of wind turbines, such as mechanical and internal electrical systems, support structures and control and protection systems. They are intended to be used together with appropriate Indian Stanfdards.
IEC TC- 88 (P): Wind energy generation systems ; IEC TC-88 (P): Wind energy generation systems ;
ETD 43
Standardization of Environmental Aspects for Electrical and Electronic Products
To prepare the necessary guidelines, basic standards, in the environmental area, in close cooperation with product committees, which remain autonomous in dealing with the environmental aspects relevant to their
To liaise with product committees in the elaboration of environmental requirements of product standards in order to foster common technical approaches and solutions for similar problems and thus assure consistency in standards.
IEC TC-111 (P): Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems ; IEC TC-111 (P): Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems ;
ETD 44
Safety Of Machinery- Electrotechnical Aspects
Standardization in the field of the application of electro-technical equipment and systems to machinery (including a group of machines working together in a coordinated manner, excluding higher-level systems aspects) not portable by hand while working, but which may include mobile equipment. The equipment covered commences at the point of connection of the electrical supply to the machinery.
Standardization of interfaces (excluding local area networks and field-bus) between control equipment and the electro-technical equipment of machinery. Standardization of electro-technical equipment and systems elating to the safeguarding of persons from hazards of the machinery, its associated equipment and the environment.
To coordinate with ISO/IEC on all matters concerning the safety of machinery.”
IEC TC- 44 (O): Safety of machinery - Electrotechnical aspects ; IEC TC-44 (P): Safety of machinery - Electrotechnical aspects ; IEC TC-44 (P): Safety of machinery - Electrotechnical aspects ;
ETD 46
Grid Integration of Renewables
To prepare standards in the field of Grid Integration comprising of LT (ON Grid, Off Grid and Hybrid with and without storage), HT and EHT for all capacities
IEC TC-IEC TC 8 SC-SC 8A (P): Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Generation ; IEC TC-IEC TC 8 SC-SC 8B (P): DECENTRALIZED ELECTRICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS ; IEC TC-8 SC-8A (P): Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Generation ; IEC TC-8 SC-8B (P): Decentralized electrical energy systems ; IEC TC-8 SC-8A (P): Renewable energy power prediction ; IEC TC-8 SC-8A (P): Connection of Renewable Energy with HVDC System ; IEC TC-8 SC-8A (P): Modeling of renewable energy generation for power system dynamic analysis ;
ETD 47
Railway Electric Traction Equipment
No Scope found.
IEC TC-9 (O): Electrical equipment and systems for railways ; IEC TC-9 (P): Electrical equipment and systems for railways ; IEC TC-9 (P): Electrical equipment and systems for railways ;
ETD 48
UHV Transmission System
‘Standardization in the field of AC transmission technology at 1000 kV and above, comprising systems-oriented guidance such as that for planning, design aspects, technical requirements, construction, commissioning, reliability, availability, operation and maintenance, processes for specifying requirements and demonstrating whether the required performance of UHV systems is assured.’
IEC TC-122 SC-  (P): UHV ac Transmission systems ; IEC TC-122 (P): UHV AC transmission systems ; IEC TC-122 (P): UHV AC transmission systems ;
IEC TC-SyC LVDC (P): SyC LVDC Low Voltage Direct Current and Low Voltage Direct Current for Electricity Access ; IEC TC-50 (P): Low Voltage Direct Current and Low Voltage Direct Current for Electricity Access ; IEC TC- (P): Low Voltage Direct Current and Low Voltage Direct Current for Electricity Access ; IEC TC-SyC LVDC (P): Low Voltage Direct Current and Low Voltage Direct Current for Electricity Access ; IEC TC-SyC LVDC (P): LVDC publications for Electricity Access ; IEC TC-SyC LVDC (P): Use-cases for public LVDC distribution ; IEC TC-SyC LVDC (P): Parameters for protection and safety in DC ;
ETD 51
Electrotechnology in Mobility
To prepare Indian Standards for electrotechnical aspects of totally or partly electrically propelled road vehicles
IEC TC-69 (P): Electric road vehicles and electric industrial trucks ; IEC TC-69 (P): Electrical power/energy transfer systems for electrically propelled road vehicles and industrial trucks ; IEC TC-23 SC-H (P): Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for industrial and similar applications, and for Electric Vehicles ;
ETD 52
Electrical Energy Storage Systems
IEC TC-120 (P): Electrical Energy Storage (EES) systems ;
ETD 53
No Scope found.
IEC TC-123 (P): Management of network assets in power systems ; IEC TC-123 (P): Management of network assets in power systems ;
ETD 54
Marine Energy Conversion Systems
No Scope found.
ISO TC-114 (P): Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters ; IEC TC-114 (P): Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters ;