ISO TC-228 (P): Tourism and related services ; ISO TC-228 (P): Diving services ; ISO TC-228 (P): Sustainable tourism ; ISO TC-228 (P): Accommodation ; ISO TC-228 (P): Adventure tourism ; ISO TC-228 (P): Tourist information and reception services ; ISO TC-228 (P): Exhibitions and events ;
ISO TC-222 (O): ; ISO TC-68 (P): Financial services ; ISO TC-68 SC-2 (P): Financial Services, security ; ISO TC-68 SC-8 (P): Reference data for financial services ; ISO TC-68 SC-9 (P): Information exchange for financial services ;
Higher Education, Skill Development and related Services
TC-317 (O): Consumer protection: privacy by design for consumer goods and services ; ISO TC-225 (O): Market, opinion and social research ; ISO TC-286 (O): Collaborative business relationship management ; ISO TC-314 (P): Ageing societies ; ISO TC-324 (P): Sharing economy ;
Retail, E-commerce & E payment Services Sectional Committee
Parul Gupta (DY DIR (ADMN AND FIN))
No Scope found.
ISO TC-PC/335 (P): Guidelines for organizations to increase consumer understanding of online terms and conditions ; ISO TC-PC 335 /WG 1 (P): Consumer understanding of online terms and conditions ; ISO TC-321 (P): Transaction assurance in E-commerce ; ISO TC-321/WG 2 (P): Framework ;
SSD 12
Accounting and Finance Services Sectional Committee
ISO TC-312 (P): Excellence in service ; ISO TC-312 (P): Principles, model and measurement ; ISO TC-312 (P): Design of excellent services ; ISO TC-312 (P): Public Services ; ISO TC-312 (P): Digital service excellence ;