Formulation of Indian Standards in the field of generic quality management system including quality assurance, quality systems, quality manuals; generic standards, guides and guidelines documents.
ISO TC-176 (P): Quality management and quality assurance ; ISO TC-176 SC-1 (P): Concepts and terminology ; ISO TC-176 SC-2 (P): Quality systems ; ISO TC-176 SC-3 (P): Supporting technologies ; ISO TC-342 (P): Management consultancy ;
Statistical Methods for Quality , Data Analytics and Reliability
Formulation of standards relating to statistical techniques with a view to propagating their knowledge in industry and promoting their application for quality improvement
ISO TC-69 (P): Applications of statistical methods ; ISO TC-69 SC-5 (P): Acceptance sampling ; ISO TC-69 SC-6 (P): Measurement methods and results ; ISO TC-69 SC-7 (P): Applications of statistical and related techniques for the implementation of Six Sigma ; ISO TC-69 SC-8 (P): Application of statistical and related methodology for new technology and product development ;
Standardization in the field of Management including Organization, Operations, Supply Chain, Technology, Risk, Project, Programme, Portfolio, marketing, Value Engineering, reverse engineering with a view to disseminate its knowledge and promote its application.
ISO TC-258 (P): Project, programme and portfolio management ; ISO TC-289 (P): Brand evaluation ; ISO TC-308 (P): Chain of custody ;
Standardization of Practices relating to libraries, documentation and information centers, indexing and abstracting services, bibliographic formats, conservation and preservation of print and non-print medium, archives, information science, document imaging applications, data processing and aspects relevant to processing and handling of documents
ISO TC-154 (P): Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration ; ISO TC-171 (P): WG: Document management applications - Application issues - PDF/A ; ISO TC-46 (P): Information and documentation ; ISO TC-46 SC-4 (O): Technical interoperability ; ISO TC-46 SC-8 (O): Quality - Statistics and performance evaluation ; ISO TC-46 SC-9 (O): Identification and description ; ISO TC-ISO/TC 154/WG 6 (P): Trusted e Communications ; ISO TC- (P): Requirements for document storage and conditions for preservation ; ISO TC- (P): Archives/records management ; ISO TC- (P): SMART standards ; ISO TC- (P): Chair's Advisory Group ; ISO TC- (P): ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency ; ISO TC- (P): Task Force ISO 3166-2 ; ISO TC- (P): ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (Voting members) ; ISO TC- (P): Conversion of written languages ; ISO TC- (P): Terminology of information and documentation ; ISO TC- (P): Information Governance ; ISO TC- (P): Interlibary Loan Transaction Functionality ; ISO TC- (P): International Libary statistics ; ISO TC- (P): Performance Indicators for libraries ; ISO TC- (P): International museum statistics ; ISO TC- (P): Chair's Advisory Group ; ISO TC- (P): Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system ; ISO TC- (P): Structured vocabularies ; ISO TC- (P): Indexes and indexing ; ISO TC- (P): NP 24138 International Standard Content code ; ISO TC- (P): Document storage requirements ; ISO TC-154 (P): Liaison review ; ISO TC- (P): Strategic directions ; ISO TC-154 (P): ISO/UNECE joint working group for EDIFACT syntax ; ISO TC-154 (P): ISO/UNECE joint working group for information exchange of supply chain aligned to UN/CEFACT semantics ; ISO TC- (P): Records management ; ISO TC-154 (P): Trusted eCommunications ; ISO TC- (P): Records management by design ; ISO TC- (P): Joint ISO/TC 46/SC 11-ISO/TC 307 WG: Blockchain ; ISO TC-154 (P): Digital business ; ISO TC- (P): Metadata ; ISO TC- (P): Management systems for recofds ; ISO TC- (P): Records in the cloud ; ISO TC- (P): Records management capability assessment model ; ISO TC- (P): Disposition ; ISO TC- (P): Quality, prservation and integrity of information ; ISO TC- (P): Document file formats, EDMS systems and authenticity of information ; ISO TC- (P): Advisory Group ; ISO TC- (P): Micrographics Standards Maintenance ; ISO TC- (P): Controlled sharing of digital documents ; ISO TC- (P): Digital Object storage component ; ISO TC- (P): Chairs ; ISO TC- (P): Chair's Advisory Group ; ISO TC- (P): PDF/Engineering ; ISO TC- (P): PDF specification ; ISO TC- (P): PDF universal accessibility ; ISO TC- (P): File format guidelines ; ISO TC- (P): EDMS Guidelines ; ISO TC- (P): Metadata ; ISO TC-46 (P): Requirements for materials related to preservation ; ISO TC-46 (P): Risk assessment for records processes and systems ; ISO TC-46 (P): Records management in structured data environments ; ISO TC-171 (P): Document management - Information stored electronically ;
Standardization of Practices relating to book production, illustrations, finishing, style manuals, graphic technology and any other aspects relevant to publication of documents and graphic technology
To formulate Indian Standards in the field of
Social Responsibility, Social Accountability and other social issues
ISO TC-309 (P): Governance of organizations ; ISO TC-309 (Convenorship): Governance maturity model ; ISO TC- (P): Guidelines for the promotion and implementation of gender equality ; ISO TC-343 (P): Sustainable development goals management ;
Standardization in the field of Management including, Asset, Human Resource and facilities (excluding natural resource
ISO TC-251 (P): Asset management ; ISO TC-267 (P): Facility management ; ISO TC-251 (P): People Development and Competence ; ISO TC-267 (P): Leadership and innovation ; ISO TC-267 (P): Roadmap ; ISO TC-267 (P): Communication ; ISO TC-267 (P): Chair's Advisory Group ; ISO TC-251 (P): Spanish Translation Task Group ; ISO TC-251 (P): Decision making ; ISO TC-251 (P): Sustainability ; ISO TC-251 (P): Product improvement and revision of ISO 55000 ; ISO TC-251 (P): Development of ISO 55013 ;
a) To study the documents at different stages and prepare a national position for vote and adoption.
b) To adopt ISO CASCO guides and standards relating to the practice of testing, inspection and certification of products, processes and services and to the assessment of management systems, testing laboratories, inspection bodies, certification bodies, accreditation bodies and their operation and acceptance for adoption as Indian Standards/ Guides.
c) To assess the need for national standards on Conformity Assessment.
d) To Liaison ISO CASCO
ISO TC- (P): Committee on conformity assessment ;
To review the work being done at ISO by COPOLCO and to formulate India’s view on various issues relating to work of COPOLCO and to consider adoption of COPOLCO Guides as per the requirements of the country.
ISO TC-322 (P): Sustainable finance ; ISO TC-322 (P): FinTech in Carbon Markets ; ISO TC-322 (P): Chair's Advisory Group ; ISO TC- (P): Financial institutions transition planning ;