Sugars (Including liquid glucose, dextrose monohydrate and dried glucose syrup) and by products of sugar industry; Layout plans for sugar factories, their laboratories and sugar laboratories and sugar godowns; sugar machinery and its components, Molasses tanks and other such items.
A) Tobacco (excluding specifications), tobacco products; codes for seaworthy packing of tobacco and construction of tobacco barns and farming practices
B) Physical and chemical methods of test for tobacco and tobacco products.
ISO TC-126 (P): Tobacco and tobacco products ; ISO TC-126 SC-1 (P): Physical and dimensional tests ; ISO TC-126 SC-2 (P): Leaf tobacco ; ISO TC-126 SC-3 (O): Vape and vapour products ;
A) Animal husbandry (management practices, welfare and transport) for livestock, poultry, pet and laboratory animals
B) Equipment for livestock, poultry, pet and laboratory animals.
C) Code for breeding, housing and transport of the laboratory and other animals
D) Animal feedstuffs, mineral mixtures, compounded feeds and feed supplements.
E) Physical, chemical and microbiological methods of analysis
ISO TC-191 (O): ; ISO TC-34 SC-10 (P): Animal feeding stuffs ;
A) Tea, coffee, cocoa and their products.
B) Physical, chemical and microbiological methods of test pertaining to this committee.
C) General methodology for sensory evaluation including nutritional aspects.
ISO TC-34 SC-15 (P): Coffee ; ISO TC-34 SC-18 (P): Cocoa ; ISO TC-34 SC-8 (P): Tea ; ISO TC-34 SC-8 (Convenorship): Theanine ;
A) Soil amendments and soil testing kits, reclamation of acid and salt affected soils, improvement of soil qualities and nutrient status, representative samples for fertilizer recommendations and mapping purposes and analysis of soils
B) Fertilizers (including primary, secondary and micronutrients), plant hormones and related products
C) Agriculturally useful microorganisms.
D) Handling storage and packaging of fertilizers
ISO TC-134 (P): Fertilizers, soil conditioners and beneficial substances ; ISO TC-190 (P): Soil quality ; ISO TC-190 SC-3 (P): Chemical and physical characterization ; ISO TC-190 SC-4 (P): Biological characterization ;
A) Food additives (colours- Synthetic & natural, preservatives/mould inhibitors, acidity regulators, Improvers, flour treatment agent, artificial sweeteners, nutrients, yeast, jellifying agents, antioxidants, synergists, emulsifying and stabilizing agents, flavours, flavouring agents, leavening agents, surface/coating agents, encapsulation agents & dough conditioners, etc) permitted under the Food Safety & Standards Regulations;
B) Their methods of test in food products; and food additives produced through the application of biotechnology
C) Physical and chemical methods of test pertaining to this committee including microbiological aspects
D) General methodology for sensory evaluation including nutritional aspects
A) Spices, Culinary Herbs and Condiments
B) General methodology for quality evaluation including nutritional aspects
c) Liaison with ISO/TC 34/SC 7 Spices, Culinary Herbs and Condiments and maintenance of secretariat on behalf of India
ISO TC-34 SC-7 (P): Spices, culinary herbs and condiments ; ISO TC-34 SC-7 (Convenorship): Turmeric ; ISO TC-34 SC-7 (Convenorship): Pepper ;
Formulation of Indian Standards for processed fruits and vegetables; dried fruits and nuts, coconut, bamboo, mushroom, edible fungus, processed aloevera and their products. Coconut milk powder, coconut vinegar, packed tender coconut water and packed matured coconut water. Physical and chemical methods of test pertaining to this committee including microbiological aspects. General methodology for sensory evaluation pertaining to this committee including nutritional aspects. Requirements for packaging, storage and transportation of products pertaining to this committee
ISO TC-34 SC-3 (P): Fruits and vegetables and their derived products ;
Machinery and Equipment used in agriculture, gardening and forestry operations including Agricultural tractors, power tillers and their attachments (excluding the engine and its components of tractors and power tillers common to automobiles).
ISO TC-23 (P): Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry ; ISO TC-23 SC-13 (P): Powered lawn and garden equipment ; ISO TC-23 SC-14 (O): Operator controls, operator symbols and other displays, operator manuals ; ISO TC-23 SC-15 (O): Machinery for forestry ; ISO TC-23 SC-19 (P): Agricultural electronics ; ISO TC-23 SC-2 (O): Common tests ; ISO TC-23 SC-3 (P): Safety and comfort ; ISO TC-23 SC-4 (P): Tractors ; ISO TC-23 SC-6 (P): Equipment for crop protection ; ISO TC-23 SC-7 (P): Equipment for harvesting and conservation ;
A) Fresh and processed fish, fisheries and aquaculture products including fish feed and feed ingredients not covered by FAD 5;
B) Fisheries and Aquaculture, including, but not limited to, terminology, technical specifications for equipment and for their operation, characterization of aquaculture sites and maintenance of appropriate physical, chemical, and biological conditions, environmental monitoring, data reporting, traceability and waste disposal,
C) Physical, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic methods of test pertaining to this committee,
To formulate Indian Standards for terminology, methods of sampling and test, codes of practice for handling, storage and packaging and specifications for oleaginous seeds and fruits, oils and fats (including animal fats and marine oils but excluding oils covered by other Sectional Committees), fatty acids, vegetable tallow and bleaching earths.
ISO TC-34 SC-11 (P): Animal and vegetable fats and oils ; ISO TC-34 SC-2 (P): Oleaginous seeds and fruits and oilseed meals ; ISO TC-34 SC-11 (P): Classification and Description ;
A) Alcoholic drinks and its fermenting agents, non-alcoholic drinks, carbonated beverages;
B) Drinking water, packaged or supplied in unpackaged form through organized water supply.
C) Water used in any food processing industry for the manufacture, processing, preservation, or marketing of products or substances intended for human consumption
D) Physical and chemical methods of test pertaining to this committee including microbiological aspects
E) General methodology for sensory evaluation of alcoholic drinks and drinking water
F) Point-of -use water purification systems.
A) Food hygiene including codes of hygienic practices
B) Food safety management systems C) Food Labelling
D) Microbiological methods of tests and specifications for ingredients used in media for microbiological work
ISO TC-34 SC-17 (P): Management systems for food safety ;
FAD 16
Foodgrains, Allied products, and other agricultural produce
A) Foodgrains, allied products (including edible oilseed flour and excluding ready-to-eat foods) and agricultural produce except those covered under the scope of FAD 4, FAD 6, FAD 9, FAD 10 and FAD 13
B) Starches (including derivatives and by-products)
C) Storage of foodgrains
D) Physical, chemical and microbiological methods of test and general methodology for sensory evaluation including nutritional aspects pertaining to this committee
ISO TC-34 SC-4 (P): Cereals and pulses ; ISO TC-93 (P): Starch (including derivatives and by-products) ;
A) Methods of evaluation and adoption of quality of irrigation water, efficiency of irrigation, water requirement of crops and guidelines for various practices associated with soil water management as well as various irrigation equipment and systems (excluding centrifugal and hand pumps), soil conservation practices.
B) All types of farm drainage practices, design, material, drainage and sub surface drainage systems and equipment, all types of on farm water management practices including construction and improvement of water distribution systems, land levelling & all equipment &machinery dealing with command area development.
ISO TC-23 SC-18 (P): Irrigation and drainage equipment and systems ; ISO TC-23 SC-18 (Convenorship): Organic Fertigation System ;
A) Equipment, materials used in slaughter house and slaughter house layouts, flow sheet categorization
B) Meat, meat products, poultry, poultry products and other by-products from abattoir; codes for ante-mortem and post-mortem examination; meat stalls
C) Physical, chemical and microbiological methods of test pertaining to this committee
ISO TC-34 SC-6 (P): Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and their products ;
A) Milk and milk products including infant milk foods and specialized equipment used in dairies.
B) Physical, chemical and microbiological methods of test pertaining to this committee and codes of practices
C) General methodology for sensory evaluation including nutritional aspects
A) Equipment for primary processing operations like cleaning, grading, shelling, washing, polishing, drying etc for food grains, seeds & horticulture produce.
B) Equipment and system for secondary processing like milling, expelling, extraction, crushing etc of food grains, oil seed & horticulture produce.
C) By product handling and processing equipments
D) Equipment for value addition to agricultural product and by products including packaging etc.
E) Equipment and materials for protected cultivation.
ISO TC-326 (P): Machinery intended for use with foodstuffs ;
A) Systems approach to Agricultural Management including Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
B) Hi-Tech Agricultural Practices viz. Plasticulture, Protected Agriculture and Precision farming.
C) Agricultural Production Systems including Crop, Horticulture, Livestock, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Aquaculture and Organic Production Systems.
D) Post Harvest Management System for loss free packaging, storage and transport, and value addition related aspects
E) Agricultural Marketing viz. Contract, Corporate Marketing and Direct Marketing relating aspects.
F) Other miscellaneous activities related to Agricultural Resource Management
ISO TC-347 (P): Data-driven agrifood systems ;
A) To formulate standards for:
i) food and agricultural products derived from modern biotechnology, or traits introduced by modern biotechnology into food and other articles of human and animal consumption, on the basis of scientific evidence, risk and analysis and having regard, where appropriate, to other legitimate factors relevant to the health of consumers, biosecurity, and the promotion of fair practices in the food and agricultural products trade; and
ii) terminology, codes of practice/guidelines, methods of sampling and test, etc., thereof,
B) Liaison with:
i) ISO/TC 34/SC 16 - ‘Horizontal methods for molecular biomarker analysis.’
ii) ISO/TC 276 - ‘Biotechnology’
ISO TC-276 (P): Biotechnology ; ISO TC-34 SC-16 (P): Horizontal methods for molecular biomarker analysis ;
FAD 24
Ready-to-eat foods and specialized products
Special purpose foods# and specialized products, processed nutritious food, snack foods, protein isolates, bakery, confectionery products and all types of ready-to-eat foods$ (excluding ready to eat fish products and ready-to-eat meat products), their equipments and related items.
#Special purpose foods are foods that have been designed to perform a specific function, such as to replace a meal which necessitates a content of essential nutrients which cannot be achieved except by addition of one or more of these nutrients. These foods include but are not limited to foods for special dietary use.
$ Ready-to-eat-food is food that is ready for consumption and includes food that may be re-heated, portioned or garnished or food that undergoes similar finishing prior to being served.
To formulate standards on;
Horizontal methods of test for food products including physical, chemical and sensory evaluation
excluding the microbiological methods of test covered under the scope of FAD 15 and methods of test
for estimation of pesticide residues covered under the scope of FAD 27.
ISO TC-34 (P): Food products ; ISO TC-34 SC-12 (P): Sensory analysis ;