Know Your Standard Standards under Mandatory Certification Group Wise Classification Ministry/Department Wise Classification
( Group : Management systems/services and corporate social responsibilities )
S.No | Sub Group Name | Total Standards |
1 | Management Systems | 122 |
2 | Statistical quality control | 81 |
3 | Corporate social responsibilities | 10 |
4 | Banking and Financial services | 4 |
5 | Productivity | 69 |
6 | Printing and Graphic technology | 60 |
7 | Library management | 91 |
8 | Quality Management System | 4 |
9 | Statistical Quality Control | 0 |
10 | Management & Productivity | 4 |
11 | Information & Documentation | 17 |
12 | Printing & Graphic Technology | 7 |
13 | Social Responsibility | 3 |
14 | Resource Management | 4 |
15 | Risk Management, Security and Resilience | 13 |
16 | Sustainable Finance | 1 |
17 | Human Resource & Innovation Management | 13 |
18 | CASCO | 5 |
19 | COPOLCO | 0 |
20 | REMCO | 4 | Total |
512 |